Do you like seeing evil characters get redemptions?

Do you like seeing evil characters get redemptions?

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op pic not related, just a blatant bad guy.

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Scar was never evil.

Oh my fucking god you've been at it for almost a year now get help
right, just a bad guy through circumstance my bad

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Some monsters don't deserve redemption


no they should die like the dogs they are

King did nothing wrong

>no redemption arc needed, rather the heroes just force him to move aside to continue their journey

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Why does a guy posting gator ed trigger you so much?

I worry about your mental meath user

You're the one getting irrational over nothing

Eh, it's alright.

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Scar had every right to do what he did. Sucks that he didn't get to kill more alchemists.

Why have you been spamming that same image for so long?

It's not spam

Why have you been posting that same image for so long?


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If you are able to get redemption then you weren't really evil to begin with.

That said if a writer ever tried to pull that with a character like say, Frieza, and swept everything he's ever did under the rug,i'd drop that story like an unwanted baby. To simplfy though it depends on what they've done.

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Yeah, a lot actually. Especially when they feel guilt for their actions and other characters forgive them even if it's painful, overcoming the desire for revenge.

go back

Final chapters translated never ever

only if theyre cute girls

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There is no redemption. Only empty atonment and contrition. Isnt that the point of the series?

yes, it's based.