Anime of the decade

I know, it's only 2022, but I'll be really surprised if something manages to dethrone Sonny Boy in the following years.

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It wasn't even anime of the season.

Hipster shit already long forgotten that achieved nothing. Director is a hack

The great filter. People weren't ready for this piece of art.

Anime of the century. I will watch one episode every year till I die.

anime has been shit for more than 20 years

idk dude I really liked space dandy when it came out.

You can't even tell me what it's about.

Yup, that was Odd Taxi.

I started watching this last week and am halfway through. I really enjoy it.

Its an analogy for capitalism and Japanese society. Its also a coming of age story.

So is 99% of fiction.

Dropped it at the pretentious monkey baseball episode
>y-y-you got filtered!!!!1!1!
Don't care. This hipster shit can go fuck itself

Aot is anime of the decade you just dont understand the ending

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 52.85K)

Does anyone have the cinegrid someone made for Sonny Boy?

Generic tranime.
SAO is better.

Literally living rent free

>Halfway through
>Analogy for capitalism

Bro finish the show before you make dumb ass takes like this and look like a sped

Even if that were true that would only apply to the 2010s

Greatest scene.

what anime from 20 years ago do you consider to be good?

I would've not go back.