Will they?

Will they?

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Madokafags are genuinely disgusting. Madoka has NEVER shown ANY romantic interest in the crazy homosexual. You're a sick freak if you ship them.

This is the only good thing in madoka everything else sucks

Marry fat, ugly businessmen and become trophy wives?


Neither of them are gay so no.

Yes, right in front of everyone, just 2 hours of MadoHomu.

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honestly if Urobuchi goes full yuri in the new movie I will be impressed. It won't happen but I would be

By me

Yes, they will.

holy based

don't reply to him

Madoka will never be a disgusting dyke

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Sounds like she needs some corrective lesbian rape then.

Is it true that male anime characters who transition into female anime characters do so because they believe it's easier to get into a yuri relationship with a female anime character rather than a het relationship with a female anime character, in an anime?


Aimless shitpost threads usually get deleted but yurikek mods leave these up



If Homu's gay but Madoka isn't then is the series really yuri?

Spoilers from the 4th movie

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Holy based madokeks forever btfo'd

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I don't know
gay marriage is illegal in japan but abe died so as I see it could be 50/50

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