Literally a shounen hero irl. why isn't there a proper anime adaptation?

literally a shounen hero irl. why isn't there a proper anime adaptation?
(pic is Any Forums related btw, from the manga 'historie')

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Alexander is just shonenshit for Selfinsert fags.

Mohammed on the otherhand is the HaremChad softseinen choice for patricians.

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>nip studios make mohammad harem anime
>muslims declare jihad on japan

>he doesn't know

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Alexander's conquests lacks nuance to be a seinen story and is too brutal to be a manga for teenagers

why do you want an "proper anime adaptation"? to see alexander doing dogeza and using tatami.

>he lacks knowledge
There's also Fate/Zero. which kinda counts

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there are several

Bravo user, bravo. You're 100% correct. Rheinhart is fully Alexander, I've said so before.

because he's fucking ugly and not a cute anime boy, need there be anything else said?

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Alexander had a twink lover.

>Fire punch poster says something retarded

>believes in this inaccurate meme panting
No one can be such a charismatic and successful leader if they are ugly.
Sorry uggos but that's the truth.
Here's the real Alexander the Great.

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in jap culture that archetype of a great conqueror guy is ODA NOBUNAGA
maybe some westaboo will dramatize alexander's life, but that is unlikely

>twink lover
Hephaestion was a big, tough, manly dude by all accounts.

the best that japs can do is Scipio vs Hannibal manga

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Can I get the qrd?
Historilet here

With how much Japan likes chuunishit I'm surprised they never used THE RESTORER OF THE WORLD on anything. How can they miss someone with a title as cool as that?

Because they know little to nothing outside of their own history. What makes you think they'd know anything about the Romans outside Caesar, let alone Aurelian? Embarrassing shit like Type Moot just shows how little they know about world history.

yeah the reference for the op image is made by romans and centuries after alex' death, I just used it because it's from a manga
he's far from being ugly if we believe historians