
>This guy keeps treating me and my friends as pretty objects and is obsessive
>But if he keeps asking me about it I can't say no!
Utena seems cool for now but I will NEVER understand shoujo logic

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Girls like guys who aren't pussies, why is there a recent trend on Any Forums to pretend like this is a mystery? It's not rocket science

Oh boy you are in for a ride

nta spoil me
I tried watching this twice but was filtered around after the first arc ends.

>wants to become a prince because some did nice thing to her
>meets him
>gets raped by said prince

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>interested in me to the point of forcing himself
Truly mystery. Imagine hot girl being into you

She fucks some other dude that takes her on date and gets jealous to point of thinking of poisoning the other girl.

It was consensual.

That's the point

Imagine hitting on pink bimbos when you have a perfectly good sister at home who does not have snails nor snakes in her pencilbox.

If you had that level of confidence, you'd swim in pussy too

A perfectly good sister who murder defenseless cats.
Really, wtf?

Its like how you start making bad choices when you dick is hard, same thing. She’s an idealist, but she’s also a middle school girl going through puberty

It was iffy at best. At least the second round. Pretty sure she actually says “no” and he just dives in

>She fucks some other dude that takes her on date and gets jealous to point of thinking of poisoning the other girl.
Women moment

Yeah. That's why people likes more Candy with the "bad boy".


I’ll never be a bad boy, how do I cope.

Get past your early 20s when the bad boys become overweight wrecks

This. Legitimately excellent advice. Sadly by that point, all the good-looking women will have lost any semblance of anything that could even remotely be called "purity," but you'll still be able to snag quite a few.

Stop Idealization.
No One Wants A Weak Male.
Utena Pretending 2 Be A Prince While Subconsciously Agreeing With The Previous Statement 4 Most Of The Series Makes Her Revolution Unachievable: She WANTS 2 Incorporate Gender Deconstruction In Her Lifestyle... YET Isn't Aware Of Her Own Gender Dialectic Nor That Of Those Around Her. Pure-Hearted Rosé Does Find Her Way Tho
Grrrl Why Do U Heaux Have 2 Lie. . .

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You can't understand it because you have never lived as a woman. For a man it makes sense to deny an asshole constantly coming after you , no matter how persistent he is. For women, it's tougher. They are generally socialized into giving men multiple chances and the benefit of the doubt.
Also what she feels here isn't just attraction -- it's nervousness and fear too.

>gets jealous to point of thinking of poisoning the other girl.
If you're talking about the scene where Utena and Anthy eat cookies together then...you didn't get it kek. That wasn't Utena seriously thinking about poisoning Anthy, it was to show how strong their trust in one another was/the depth of their affection.
Also it wasn't really "sex", Akio quite clearly raped Utena.