Both of these two are psychopaths

Both of these two are psychopaths...

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Code Geass died with the movie
Netflix did it again

Childhood is idolizing Lelouch. Adulthood is realizing Suzaku makes more sense.

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adulthood is realizing it takes literal magic and divine intervention to even give either of their ideals a fighting chance in the story so not to sweat the details

Lelouch is an emotional mess with an overwhelming obsession with his sister. He also feels obligated to Shirley for no good reason. Wtf are you on about?

Suzaku might be

Middle age is wishing you were Schneizel before Cringero saddled him with ruling the clusterfuck he and his fuckbuddies left behind.

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Retirement is realizing that Charles was right all along.

codement is and always will be the superior show.

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>Kills people for the "greater good"
>Feel some crocodile remorse then continue right on killing
>Not a psychopath


A psychopath is someone in a pathological state of psychosis, i.e they are literally not experiencing the same reality as everyone else.
The only time thats linked to a lack of empathy is when part of their psychosis involves some or all people being artificial imposters

imagine the sex

lelouch only made 1 mistake

it dropped the ball in the last episodes in my opinion

>A psychopath is someone in a pathological state of psychosis, i.e they are literally not experiencing the same reality as everyone else.
Yeah that's Lelouch

You mixed up psychopath with psychotic. Psychopathy is a subset of antisocial personality disorder. Being psychotic is having hallucinations and detachment from reality

Regardless, he killed innocent people. Debating on exact psychological definitions looks more like an excuse for his behavior. Does it really matter what goes on in peoples' heads if they do the same horrible actions?

I'm at soup

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why is it acceptable to post eceleb shitty youtube parody references if they're old?
fuck off


I suppose it's time to rewatch.
Tell me Any Forums should I watch any of the OVAs or leave it at S1 + S2 like always?