Akudama Drive

How Pierrot managed to make such a great anime?

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>*terrible anime
You're welcome

You are not

It's a miracle.
Also, any actual subs for additional scenes on BD? Ones I can see on nyaa are guesssubs by their own admission.

Went to shit when she cuts her hair.

I dont know but it felt like an eternity ago since we got a good cyberpunk show

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It was just okay.

I will never stop missing Cutthroat.

Minus the Persona 3 movies, this guy's history, pre akudama drive, is kinda ass. He made Persona 4 golden, for crying out loud. Glad his Bleach stuff seems to take after AD.

>Minus the Persona 3 movies,
Those sucked too


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Where the things added in the Blu ray worth watching?

Nah, it's a great watch.

He also made the digimon last evolution movie which was terrible as well, direction wise.

I know I watched and enjoyed it from start to finish. But I can't fucking remember anything about it, very much forgettable. There was a train?

Ragtag group of criminals who have never met prior frees a dangerous serial killer from death row.
Robotic cat enslaves them with explosive collars and forces them to rob a train containing a prriceless treasure.
Priceless treasure turns out to be two immortal children, brother and sister.
The powers that be need these children in order to keep a city that was turned into a simulation following a reality-distorting nuclear war running.
Boy gets kidnapped by the authorities, girl is still with the Akudama.
Death, betrayals and shenanigans ensue.
All the Akudama die but the children are safe.

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I can't believe I jammed out the the OP as hard as I did.

The train is when the little boy and girl who hired them appeared. Or something.

It kinda all starts falling apart once Sensei & Brawler's fight is resolved

i think its worth watching for the uncensored gore alone in the BD

the final episode picked the pieces back up
it was the best finale of the season

No its not. They're terrible hence why nobody remembers them

>the final episode picked the pieces back up
No it doesn't.