>Texhnolyze is still the greatest anime of all time
>Yoshii is still the greatest antagonist of all time
sometimes I wish I never watched this masterpiece because I know there'll never be anything like it again.

Attached: Yoshii_profile.png (250x250, 74.38K)

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>still no high resolution version
Maybe once I get a good cooler or the summer is over I could use Giga Pixel AI and high res it on my own.

if there's anything you want
anything at all
come to me, I'll be your guardian angel



Is there anything like it I wonder, something that deals with the concept of a world of apathy, reminds me of Brave New World.

Attached: Night Hawks 2.jpg (1600x873, 229.13K)

is it actually good? from what I heard over like the last 10 years is always the same: style over substance. no one ACTUALLY likes it. same for shit like ergo proxy, paranoia agent, monster.

ergo proxy is dogshit, paranoia agent is alright, and texhnolyze is - actually - good.

As far as anime originals go, texh is definitely the peak

dunno i watched like 7 episodes it was boring as hell
another overhyped Any Forums meme, just like monster

Read Dies Irae

died too soon
the angels or whatever i forgot about the ending were shit villains

It's good, but you can't just turn off your brain while watching it, you have to pay attention or else you'll be like this guy

>style over substance
meaningless buzzword, style IS substance and it doesn't apply to tex anyway

Also good to keep in mind that things don't really kick into gear until episode 6.
The city waking up sequence with this song (and when it bookends the episode at the end) are what made me realize I was watching something special.


>try to pick it up after almost a decade of dropping it at episode 3
>yet again drop at around episode 3
This show is such a fucking slog to sit through

There wasn't any villains post-Yoshii. Him failing caused the city to slowly go insane and kill itself.

I did.
Now what?

Now suffer from the fact you'll never play the greatest piece of fiction for the first time again.

Attached: 67_a.png (1600x1200, 1.49M)

oh I read the poem.


>gay ass rip off
No bro read the original

> style is substance

texhnoshit is garbage just like all the "masterpieces" teens like to tout