MC is a black-haired, lanky-built Japanese male teen

>MC is a black-haired, lanky-built Japanese male teen
>Any Forums seethes
Is this all it takes?

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I don't limit myself to disliking teens

No, but it's the most egregious case.

Please don't use my wife Yui in your shit thread, thank you


wtf literally me

Please use my wife Yui in your shit thread, thank you

Will we get more Yuru Yuri if we did?

Yes, I'd rather watch a black-haired, lanky-built Japanese female teen.

Given how many people got filtered by cardboard-kun being killed in virgin road I would say no its the opposite and they cannot watch a show without one

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They were seething then. Improve your reading comprehension, yuriturd.

It was just a few really obsessed schizos.

Don't use Yui with other people's filenames to shitpost, newfag.

>fair skinned female kills off slant eyed jap cuck
felt refreshing honestly

I kinda want to download the first episode again just to watch it happen one more time.

How? White women hated Asian men only until recently.

I meant in anime not real life

yes they were seething about the guy being killed work on your own reading comprehension you fucking retard

No, they hated him from the start. Fucking smooth brain.

You can cut that down to just male and get the same results for yuriniggers

You forgot the worst part
>Opening narration starts with the MC introducing himself as "an average high school student"

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Sex with Yui.

You only have yourself to blame for not reading synopses and looking at key visuals.