This was once considered shocking anime plot twist of all time with everybody complaining about how it made no sense

>This was once considered shocking anime plot twist of all time with everybody complaining about how it made no sense

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what show is this

Shut the fuck up

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hack//SIGN sucked in general

Fuck you zoomer scum

Wasn't she hinted at being a girl from the very beginning?

They show it during the end of the very first episode, everyone simply missed this somehow

first trans anime

My big question is, what did it really add? Tsukasa's story pretty much played out the same regardless of gender and it doesn't really change any of the relationships around her. The only thing it really added was a bit of Yuri at the end with Subaru. Though it's honestly been a long time since I engage with anything Hack related so maybe I'm forgetting a lot. But good lord what a bloated over indulgence that whole mess was.

She's dating and eventually marries Subaru, that's all it added.

>zoom zoom babbling
i didn't understand anything you posted fag

fucking retard zoomer

It was pretty straight forward and a very slow show in general, but it should be a lesson to you that no matter the era there will be people too autistic to understand even the most simple of story reveals and payoffs if it is not shown and verbalized to them directly in order.

is the game worth it

I think it gives some context to why Tsukasa was so wimpy and effminate

Right, but my point was that none of that really needed her to be girl. The story works just as well if they weren't lesbos. It's a twist for the sake of a twist.

This is like the one series i didnt mind /u/shit being the main romantic focus, even if we were all tricked into it

Maybe Tsukasa felt less insecure by roleplaying as a boy, just like Subaru felt better about her legs and Haseo felt better about not being a cawadooty 10 year old

It had a good ending though.

Basically this. It's also just another aspect of her escapism, playing as the other gender to distance herself from her life.
Man I understood this when I was 8 how can you people here be so retarded