Man, Garp is kind of a cunt

Man, Garp is kind of a cunt.

He chooses the government run by slaving child rapists over his own family every time he's forced to choose.

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>Characters woman will never understand

probably because he realizes without some counter to the pirates, the world will fall into chaos. there are some genuinely good people in the marines

Compared to the world government the pirates are good people.

The World Government is run by child rapists who enslave and murder for shits and giggles.

sure but the world nobles are a very small fraction of the populace compared to pirates. so objectively there's a pretty good chance the overall amount of evil is less in the world with a fully world government world

>The World Government is run by child rapists who enslave and murder for shits and giggles.

And the pirates don't? Except for Luffy's crew, most pirates are like this

>Except for Luffy's crew
And Shanks, Roger, and Whitebeard.

Plus, you need to hold the Government to a higher standard than fucking pirates.
>sure but the world nobles are a very small fraction of the populace compared to pirates
Yeah but they control fucking everything and they're pure evil.

some pirates are pretty damn evil. they might not control everything but if there are enough evil pirates they can do some serious damage. I mean even just arlong's small crew of racists took over a whole island.

Arlong ? Crocodile ? Baggy ? Doffy ? Kid ? Moria ? BB ? All of them are way worst and caused more damage than any Tenryubito. Pirates are subhuman who murders innocents people everyday.

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True but the world nobles are a hegemonic force that do far far more damage.

All world government nations have to a pay a huge tax that goes directly into the accounts of the world nobles. A huge amount of civilians worldwide starve because of this. The money isn't even for government programs it's purely for the private use of the world nobles.

Garp spends most of his time actually catching criminals, he barely follows what the marine says in the first place. Which is why he lets his son and
Grandson run free and during marinefor he let Luffy get the better of him.

Sure, those groups are evil, but they never did anything as bad as Ohara or what the world nobles did to Hancock.

They did though. Doffy enslaved a Kingdom.

Doffy is a Celestial Dragon and worked for the government.

You really need to re read Alabasta

Doffy lost his status and he enslaved Dressrosa before working for the governement

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Luffy is objectively worse than the world government with impel down alone. It only takes 1 of these super powered fuckers Luffy set free to kill thousands of people. At least Ohara was done for the greater good.

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idk man I think high taxes are better than some pirates showing up and just killing your family for fun. then again I guess the nobles might do the same thing. probably less likely to happen compared to pirates doing it though

for garp to be a cunt he'd have to feel like a fleshed out nuanced character with agency.

but he's from one piece. so he's a shallow caricature and goofball that lacks nuance. therefore he's not a cunt - he's a drawing.

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Yeah and it's way way worse if some people's speculation proves to be true of Garp being stronger than Akainu

The people defending the (((celestial d*agons))) are the same people who defend the current jew world order.

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The people defending the pirates are the same people who defend the niggers and support BLM.

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