Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai

There's something not quite right with Mina-chan but I can't put my finger on what.

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Why is her hair messy? What's the point in having a humanoid robot if they can't even tend to their own hair

She is a hobo robot trying to pretend to be that guy robot.


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oh no

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This universe doesn't make sense. Nobody would bother buying a doll for anything except sex.

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hot dinner for the hardworking salaryman
childcare for the overworked single mom
a playmate for the lonely, sheltered kid

For me, it's the invisible robot made of cold metal.

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Jesus Christ.

Can robots cry?

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Thanks some freaky psy-living ghost not a robot, i really have no idea what the fuck was the author thinking when he introducing that in cute robo wife manga.

Yeah, same thing with Mamoru, I get the idea but he's annoying.

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Whens the next chapter?

He grew on me, but I'm glad he's out for now.

Well that escalated quickly.

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This probably could have been better as a spin-off or something. Haunted houses and robots are an interesting idea, but it doesn't match the tone of this manga.

Because messy hair makes me horny

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Next month. This month was a break because the tankobon coming out on the 23rd.

Imagine Mina with no face.

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He annoyed the shit out of me at first, but seeing him beaming at his tiny accomplishments warms my heart.

He is not a useless egg.

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>Be me
>have Mina basic model
>she has tummy storage box
>cum in box, make her walk around with it, on principle.
>she constantly reminds me how fucking stupid that is
>love her more

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It hurts

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This chapter was a Rollercoaster

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I was embarrassed that during my first readthrough it took me until this page for it to actually click that Mina's mouth isn't capable of moving or emoting. Then on rereading it becomes obvious how much they draw attention to that.

Most stories would lean hard into making it clear that a robot we're supposed to empathize with is different and feeling emotion and so on, but the story here does a really good job of making sure you're never really sure if Mina is really emoting or if it's like a Kuleshov effect kind of thing and her "emotions" and "expressiveness" is all just Takuma and the other characters (and us readers) anthropomorphizing and reading into her responses.

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No face, or no faceplate? No faceplate probably wouldn't be so bad, seeing as the eyes are embedded in the head. I assume there is still a mouth cavity. Just let the human pattern recognition reflex take care of the rest
As for no face... It's a little creepy.

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Huh, didn't realize that.

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