Pre-time skip One Piece is pure, unadulterated, soul

Pre-time skip One Piece is pure, unadulterated, soul.

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Vivi is best girl

Oh yeah? Name 5 soulful moments.

>Usopp plead to Luffy in the Lucci fight.
>Luffy giving his hat to Nami as he walks towards Arlong Park.
>The farewall to Vivi at the end of Alabasta
>Luffy going to Marienford after the war
>Robin's "I want to live"

Not bad, for me its
>Hiluluk's death
>Blackbeard's speech
>Luffy ringing the golden bell
>Sanji talking about the All Blue
>Luffy defeats Crocodile

>Lapin rabbits protect Luffy from Wapol's attack because Luffy helped the leader rabbit.
>Vivi asks Luffy to be responsible and Luffy admits his mistake and asks Dalton for help politely
>Cherry blossom-colored Drum mountains
>Chopper beaten to death to obtain the mushroom
>Hiluluk's death quote
and that's only from Drum Kingdom arc

for me it's Lucky Roux killing a guy and eating meat

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>Tom, Franky, Iceburg and co building the sea train saving Water 7 from depression
>Skypea Party
>Dory and Brogy
>Brook Backstory

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Weak moments. Emotional, but not soulful.

>Ringing of the Golden bell
>"A man's dream will never die"
>Sanji feeds Gin
>Merry's Viking Funeral
>Zoro prays at the end of Thriller Bark

Attached: Zoro Prays.png (521x272, 138.8K)

Soulful picks, except crocodile

Excellent, I almost did the same with the Skypeia saga.

Also very good. The sea train being built is very underrated.

It's my favorite piece of media of all time
Everything up until Drum has a special kind of campiness to it, even if several later arcs were overall better and more exciting.

>Shanks sacrificng an arm
>Brook crying tears of joy to be alive
>Bellemere's grave
>Zeff's sacrifice for Sanji
>Chopper and Hiriuluk

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Why does Robin have white hair?

>Hiluluk's death
for me, it's the sincerity of
>thank god it was only a trap, the docs are ok
nigga knew it was a trap and he was going to die, but on the miniscule chance it was legit, he took his fake ass doctoring skills there incase he had a chance of doing anything to help

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Just 5? So many to choose from
>Shanks sacrificing his arm for Luffy
>Zoro promising Luffy he will never lose again
>Zeff sacrificing his leg for Sanji
>Bellmere sacrificing her life for Nami and Nojiko
>Straw Hats entering Reverse Mountain
That's just East Blue

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Pic related was when I fell in love with Zoro. Anyone else have a favorite Straw Hat moment?

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Shame it died 4 years ago with Wano.

I still like the story but I can't think of an iconic moment from post timeskip OP.
At least not to the extend of "Nothing happened" or "I want to live".

>Hey, Sanji. Don't catch a cold.

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I can't wait for future High Queen of the Free Seas Vivi to return to the Straw Hat Pirates!

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