Yeah, bro...

>Yeah, bro, 2003 was so much more mature and darker than brotherhood! It totally didn't have one of the silliest characters ever with a silly character design to boot!

Attached: full_metal_alchemist__2003____chimera_shou_tucker_by_genesect1999_derut1z-fullview.jpg (500x375, 6.41K)

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Uhh... 2003bros... our response?

Tucker was a bit of a mistake, but still, people wanted him to suffer more after what he did.

>2003fag will defend this
"muh serious tone"

Attached: funny.png (1280x720, 934.39K)

Remember when Al near the end of 2003 had the brilliant idea of trusting Chimera Tucker with the philosopher stone inside his body? Such quality character writing and development.

Don't care, I picked the 2003 version to watch, I'm not watching the same thing again but different.

this is funny

Don't care, I watched 2003 when I was 13 and it's literally the best and more mature anime ever made. Just like Linkin Park is the best band. Get fucked.

I dislike Bootleghood because the story is absurdly worse and there are blatant plot holes that are covered up with "Alchemy was the friends we made along the way". Also the chinks, scar, and greed are really annoying in bootleghood.

The idea of a super automaled out dude seems like an okay idea, they just went a bit to much with him. If they didn't fuck with his head and they made him look more human still. I think it would be fine.

>there are blatant plot holes that are covered up with "Alchemy was the friends we made along the way"
Such as

Equivalent exchange is violated.

2003 is "these wounds will not heal" level of edgy cringe.

The whole point of him getting killed by Scar was supposed to be symbolic of his trying to keep his alchemy license only to get killed by an alchemist-targeting serial killer.

When specifically

Actually yes ? Al is easy to fool

I choose 2003 for alphonse dub VA

Wait what? When does this happen? For all of brotherhood many faults being inconsistent in its key features isn't one of them.

In 2003 is retarded and doesn't have any development, yes.

Are you trying to imply than he is somehow better in BH ? Alphonse is the worst character in fma 2003 and one of the worst in BH (only because BH is fillied with a massive amont of shitty characters).

Attached: imagesss.jpg (251x201, 6.78K)

Tucker was the only character to be shown in hell for the extra "In memoriam" section at the end of each volume. Even fuckin Kimblee was depicted as floating into heaven iirc.

>Are you trying to imply than he is somehow better in BH ?
Does he entrust the thing they spent years of their lives desperately searching and that is also literally his body at the moment to a psychopath who turned his family into monstrous abominations and is now working for the homunculi, believing that he'll help him in the manga?
If not, then yes, 2003 is worse.