Ruri Dragon

For anyone interested Ruri Dragon chapter 6 is out in Korean:

Attached: Ruri Dragon.jpg (701x749, 107.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: umbrella.png (366x419, 125.4K)

I fucking told you it's an umbrella and you ruritards didn't believe me.


>Abe shot dead
Bad timing for mangaka to take a break.
People will be discussing this incident for a few weeks and they will forget about that Ruri hype.

Attached: 16470026955930.png (1580x1125, 940.08K)

>chapter 6
Chapter 5*

It's out in Spanish:

What does it say about the umbrella?

You mean luck. He get to avoid 1 week people ignoring manga because focus on abe.

Nothing important user

This was a fucking great chapter.

Wait, is it 18 pages?

Maybe if we're lucky, the magazine itself will get pushed back a week for reasons related to the incident, and the time that Shindou would have spent recovering anyways won't be noticeable.

>Translator name : uchuujin
>Doing ruri instead of aliens
One job.

>Ruri saying goodbye while looking at the readers
It's over Ruribros, that's no coincidence. It was nice and comfy with you guys while it lasted.

Attached: owAiMVk7HIby.jpg (742x1080, 344.13K)

Any summarizes, your opinions on it user?


Not gonna lie this got a chuckle out of me.

This was a nice chapter it also addressed why people weren't freaking the fuck out about Ruri.

When is the yuri coming?

Why weren't they?

Abe is dead, Ruri has no reason to exist now.

Abe was not an official representative of the government. He was kinda candidate or something?

Oh okay mother must have did something.

It's going full SoL and I love it. Please live.