Lycoris Recoil

Will they outright delay this show for a season or just for this week?

Attached: Lycoris Recoil - S01E01 .mkv_snapshot_02.49_[2022.07.03_22.31.16].jpg (1920x1080, 579.32K)

Well, it's for sure not airing this week, that guaranteed.

But why? Nobody will experience PTSD because an former politician got shot.

They delayed Fire Force

It's the right thing to do

Why would they? The bullets are non-fatal.

Wtf are you even talking about?


Because over 30 innocent civilians died in a fire.

how relevant is Abe nowaday after stepping down? some people started talking about how this incident going to make japan entertainment industry censored.
I highly doubt it since the victim is a retired PM and not the current one

It's not about PTSD
They changed the ending of School Days to the good old Nice boat because of dumb fuck murders nobody cared about

He still wielded a great deal of power within his party. Hell, he was out campaigning for a candidate when this all went down.

Murders that happened in a school to actual students.

Damn it. And Chisato's show is my most anticipated anime this season.

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All guns are now walkie talkies

Engage kiss bros we won

I mean they already had non-lethal bullets and ziptie handcuff lazor gun
I doubt this'll change anything

No you fucking idiot
A girl axed her father

Fire Force was on TBS.
Lycoris is on AT-X. Big difference.

The main character also uses a gun.

this anime is boring trash

>1 ep aired
okay buddy

A fucking political assassination isn't a regular occurrence regardless of whether they're in office or not.

If Trump or Obama were shot tomorrow I bet the release of TV shows or movies with guns in America wouldn't be delayed by even one day.

>The licorice organization shot Abe because he was going to review all the extrajudicial killings they were carrying out.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Lycoris Recoil - 01 [720p][Multiple Subtitle][481F2D9B].mkv_snapshot_01.04_[2022.07.02_09.42.16].jpg (1280x720, 505.53K)

I wouldn't be surprised if a few things get delayed because of this. Even if they do, it will probably just be a week at most.

It's noa reason to delay a product and lose money. At most there will be one week delays.

can this happen please? preferably both of them

are we going to get another nice boat this time?

He is practically still at the level of prime minister in terms of influence and power

>it will probably just be a week at most