And another bad season

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Shogi boxgoblin?

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Oh great this shitty threads will pop up again

I hate this artist
I hate the wharf foreheads
I hate his shit wannabe lolis
Fuck this artis and fuck anyserie that has his art

If every anime you watch looks shit, the problem is probably you.

Oooooooor modern anime is just garbage

Said by Any Forums every season ever

Color me shocked

Only your taste is garbage.

My taste is the best in the world
You all are cancer

>everyone is an idiot but me
Hey, I get it man. I've been there.

I've watched 4 shows so far this season and all 4 have been good
Kami KuzuIdol
engage kiss

>engage kiss
It was a clusterfuck

If I was going to call any of them a clusterfuck it would be lycoris, and while it's easily the worst of those 4 it's still got enough of my attention i'm gonna keep watching

Season has 2 things I'll watch so I agree.
Horrible taste.

Also although I haven't read the manga I can't see much chance of suspicious maid being bad given how good Jahy is

Its shit. Her worst manga desu.

Shame, I will give it a try anyway I suppose

Just because you didn't like it doesn't make it bad.

Breasts are my favorite thing in the world is her best series.

That said are there any male protag focused fighting anime this season? seems like a bit of a gap, all the action has been woman or man + woman with woman focus