Healer Girl

>Doesn't even speak basic English at that age
Absolutely fucking pathetic, do Japs really? I thought most millenials and zoomers absorbed at least some fucking English via the media they consume.

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Please go back to Any Forums or at least stay in your shounenshit containment generals.

>shounenshit containment generals
miss me with that shit.

True honorable nihonjin don’t need to learn barbaric gaijin’s disgusting language

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That was physically painful.

I would like to say "imagine not being able to speak at least two languages somewhat competently" but native English speakers usually just don't need to. It's a great experience sure but especially in the US, it's not like there is a neighboring country they could visit to put that to good use.

Why learn a dying language? No cap fr fr, you sus cuh

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America is not the world, trumpshitter

>America is not the world, trumpshitter
In the US being monolingual is the default. In Yurop (in educated circles at least), not being able to hold up a conversation in at least one other useful language is sad and pathetic.

but people call me pathetic for learning enough Japanese to hold a conversation and read things

>I thought most millenials and zoomers absorbed at least some fucking English via the media they consume.
They do actually
It was much worse in the 90s

As someone from the US it’s just not hardwired to be fluent in other languages after a few classes in middle/high school. Mainly because unless you go to Mexico on vacation everyone else is well versed in English. Europe has a lot more national languages at play which would make multilingualism much more needed. And language learning is definitely a “Use it or lose it.” case.

Japanese is kind of a weeb flag since it is spoken nowhere else. I think in many countries knowing japanese would still be more respectable than no second language at all.
Which is why the show kinda surprised me since the setting is so clearly contemporary. I was born in '91 and basically witnessed the generational change in real time. It feels almost anachronistic.

Roe v Wade got repealed, tranny

>via the media they consume
There's your problem. They barely consume anything at all in English. Ever been to Japan? Fucking everything is dubbed / translated, and the Japanese mentality of being (a) extremely xenophobic and (b) focused on saving face and not embarrassing yourself, leads to them actively avoiding any opportunities to actually interact in English. As someone who's travelled around, the average moon's English is far far far worse than in any european country or even some of its neighbors like Thailand. It's probably a bit better than Taiwan and definitely better than China but that's not saying much. They are insular as fuck.

bro if you really wanna rile up lefties, remind them that biden tried to repeal it himself in the past.

I only interacted with japanese outside of japan so far, which were reasonably traveled. Never been to japan myself but was aware of both the xenophobia and the saving face bit. I just didn't connect the dots at all. Now it makes sense, though.

This. Most Japanese have zero need of English in their daily lives. They learn it in school, usually from native Japanese teachers who know Jack shit themselves outside of what's in the textbook, and then after school they forget even that. Unless they work for an international company they just don't need English.

This is like expecting all Americans to know Spanish or all Canadians to know French.

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