Naruto ended up with the abomination of Boruto

>Naruto ended up with the abomination of Boruto
>Wan Pissu ended up in Wano purgatory for far too long and is now being forced to end by Jump despite Odass claiming he was only halfway done
>Meanwhile, Kubo shits on Kishitmoto with BTW and the king of the Big 3 returns to screen in a few months
Bleachbros... how did we win at life by such a ridiculous margin?

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>b-b-but Studio Pierrot said
They're adapting the worst arc in Bleach and nothing will change that.

It still won't have good animation compared to Boruto.

It's only "the worst" because Kubo had to abandon it. They already confirmed the anime is fixing it.

>Bleach ended with an enemy that can see the future and every possible outcome
>shows how ichigo is doing a slash
>next chapter is the ending, with the fight and the whole war beeing offscreen

>compared to Boruto.

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There is no fixing villains with no Charisma.

There literally is by adding in the skipped fights and backstories.

if one piece was cancelled japan's population would dwindle to nothing with all the people who an hero

>halfway done
Wano was always meant to be like the 80%-85% point of One Piece.

I don’t understand the hype for this.
I was reading Bleach along with Any Forums while it was coming out and the latter half of this arc was relentlessly shat on week after week. By the last 3 months the threads where just back and forth shipping shit posting and people complaining about how shit the story was.

Peoples nostalgia goggles are working in overdrive for this series.

Is there any hope that the ending will be salvaged?

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Funny how bleachfags were going hellbent on how it totally wasnt axed and how the ending was totally fine but now that Kubo pretty much admit it was shit and this new season is his last attempt at fixing now its all about how the ending will be fixed and be glorious. Protip, it wont Kubo despite how hard you fags ars trying to meme him was never a good writer and this nee show wont be any different.

Not really. Unless the sternritter girls get lots of more screentime.

Is there any possibility that OP's final arc won't be a total disaster? Oda has so many unresolved plot points that he has to tie up in 100-200 chapters

>Oda has so many unresolved plot points
You and I both know that isn't true

It will have a good director, excellent art and so on. But source is still a putrid half assed final war arc whose only difference with Naruto's atrocious war arc was the thanks to everyone the publisher forced Kubo to cut if off short

Mostly zoomers who were too young to remember how shitty Bleach was

I will only watch this for the Unohana parts and nothing more.

It wasn't axed, Kubo was hospitalized.


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Kubo specifically mentioned adding more of them in his video message at Anime Expo.

>But source is still a putrid half assed final war arc
SS invasion was pure kino. The Royal Palace invasion was the only issue + pacing and Kubo said it will be fixed.

The manga wasnt in the top of SJ for years and that is probably the worst arc.

Wut it's pretty known that OP's countless mysteries and foreshadowed future events are its big hook. More mysteries keep getting introduced like Weevil.