New to Any Forums!!!

Hey guys I am new to Any Forums (I came from r/greentexts they are so funny!) I wanted to ask you guys what you think about my favorite anime, One Piece! Thank you for participating and I look forward to reading your replies!~

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Kinda funny, but very poor bait.

0/10 bait

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Not funny, but kinda good bait.

0/10 bait, get your shit together, apply yourself next time.


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discussing anume on an anime board?


let's do it.


Give me someone I at least know of

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My friend tells me i need to reply to this post to "roll." let's see what I get!


One Piece is scripture.

I got Anna! there's no one piece girls on here though!

Threadly reminder that pedophiles are, infact, disgusting faggots who will be hung and drained of their filthy blood just like the rest. I can't wait for the day that I can take a swing at you meat pinatas.

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Rolling for Holo

Rolling girls

It was nice knowin' ya kid, I'll be sure you get brought up in my dementia rants

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It's been forever since I watched the show and I feel the need to rewatch it to enjoy the new stuff (even if it's gotten worst, so I've heard). I've gotten to Loguetown and there's a lot to enjoy, but it also feels like a repetitive chore. I'll just take my time.

Where? I'm gonna stick'em.

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I got a shit-tier waifu ;___;



Alright, let's go