Kunoichi Tsubaki

Now that the anime is over, once and for all, who is your favorite kunni?

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Can we get one final poll to say goodbye?

>can we collect just one more set of IPs? please?

Im going to miss her bros

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>it really is gone

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I-I guess we'll see each other when a new manga chapter comes out.

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The poll is right here: kunoichi-sorter.github.io/sorter/

Hinagiku. She's the right combination of smug and vulnerable.

I'm afraid to watch the last episode because I don't want it to be over. I'd almost rather let it stay in limbo forever than face the end.

The most sexy is Hasu hands down.

Watch it, Hinagiku gets a facial

Sazanka touched my imagination in all the right places.

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Without any spoilers, since I haven't watched the last episode yet, how open to a second season did they leave it? Did the ending shut off any path to continuing, or is there still a chance (story-wise) to continue?

In the end we learned what was in the heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki. It's over.



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Not likely, but very possible. Even a little leading on to the future of the village

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imagine if this is like Azumi and ince their training ends they are all forced to kill eachother to select the strongest kunoichi

how can she be so sexy ?

Yamamoto literally posted art in which Asagao confirms S2 earlier today.

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dont get my hopes up like this user

unironically Tsubaki

I saw a post a few weeks ago remarking about how normal lolis will no longer be satisfactory after this show. And I think he's right, how are normal outfits supposed to compete with all these bellies, chests, armpits, feet, backs, sarashi, etc etc? We're doomed

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