The author of this garbage is very keen on endorsing and legalizing slavery

The author of this garbage is very keen on endorsing and legalizing slavery.

Every character in the show that has called out the MC for being a hypocrite for running around with slaves was either a clown, a blood thirsty murderer who dwarfed Unit 731 or a manchild.

Why is Japan so obsessed with slavery?

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Why shouldn't I have the freedom to choose to be a slave?

Who said you don't have the right to be an idiot?

Namecalling, huh? Guess you were right about everyone who disagrees with slavery being a manchild.

Just an observation. Say stupid shit and you'll be treated like one.

Here's why the female author of that shitty franchise doesn't have a problem with slavery.

It's deeply ingrained into the brain of most Japs that slavery is fine. You had a 90% chance to be sold into slavery if you were born in Japan before the American general MacArthur stomped out most of their degeneracy and civilized them to a certain extent.

Human trafficking is done by criminals in all other countries but in Japan it was always done by the government. Japan had state sanctioned (not illegal gangs) prostitution selling the girls of peasants and fisherman in brothels.

It's been documented that Japan exported over 100,000 of its own girls in the Meiji period in the late 19th century to Western colonies in Asia to service French and British soldiers, Chinese and Indian coolies, etc, and the girls were often teenagers and they sent their remittances back home for the Japanese economy. The prostitutes were called "Karayuki san" (miss gone to China).

The Meijis' two main sources of income were human trafficking and selling stolen drugs. This is how they got funds to modernize the Japanese archipelago and pay the British to build them an army, navy and air force.

Over 90% of Japan's population are descended from peasants and fisherman. Peasants were among the biggest victims of their noble classes and their descendants are brainwashed to serve like slaves.

The majority of Japanese army were descendants of peasant rice farmers who were treated as disposable subhumans by their feudal lords and samurai. Their girls were sold en masse into prostitution for men in China and other places in the Sengoku Jidai, Tokugawa Shogunate, Meiji and Taisho periods. Samurai could practice killing with their weapons on random peasants.

Fun fact, the infamous prostitution technique called the "Singapore grip" was invented by Japanese prostitutes in Singapore.

I have yet to see an isekai that doesn't involve slavery at some point.

>Bases analysis of modern Japanese on their peasant ancestors during Tokugawa Japan 200 years ago
Your intelligence is roughly equal to your caveman ancestor's intelligence, historyfag

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I learned things from this post and the related wiki pages that I suspect I might want to unlearn one day. Anyway, thank you studied user.

Slavery happens in the modern world too, far more than you think it does.

>Japs aren't pro-slavery, don't stay at their job for 15+ hours every day and don't treat their boss as a higher deity
You're a paranoid retard.

Kill yourself subhuman

Yeah but where in the world besides Japan are most people fine with most of the population being a slave?

America, lower/middle class americans are pretty much slaves

Your analogy is shit and you've no idea what you're talking about. Lower/middle class Americans work 40 hours per week, discourage overtime, aren't forced to stay at the same job, don't treat their boss like a deity and don't have a word for someone who's been killed by working too much.

>muh history
>muh politics
braindead takes. The author is exploring slavery on a fictional fantasy setting, which is done out of necessity at first. both of those things make the moral issues different. The author might not even support slavery.
All this proves is the author can distinguish fiction from reality, which you can't lol.
Does a fantasy author support monarchy because their tale has a king? We can't be sure. All we can know from this is they wrote about a king in a fictional setting. Similarly, this author wrote about slavery fictionally. Does this mean they support slavery irl? Again, there's no basis for this claim

The Western audience can't think straight when it comes to slavery, because of all the propaganda about it for generations now. Little to they realize how much slavery there is still left in the world.

hey look, the weeb being the low IQ retard it is is doing funny mental gymnastics and false equivalences again to defend pro-slavery propaganda

you're mega low iq if fictional thought experiment is propaganda. it's fiction no one is proposing it in law

>defend pro-slavery propaganda

In the anime and LNs, the slave crest is a way to power up allies and that's it. Doesn't go into it further. It is just something that exists in the world and it's not changing any time soon.

Slavery still exists in our world.

If you want to prove yourself to be so moral, then don't buy computers or clothes or chocolate.