
Just finished this show. What a mess of meandering and pseud shit. Only thing it was good for was its visuals. Why is this so highly rated again? Just because of Ikuhara?
>inb4 muh 1995 terrorist attack parallells "deep" bs
None of that makes this any better.

Attached: Penguindumb.jpg (2880x1620, 641.17K)

>why do some people like what I don't like

The symbolism of Kenji Miyazawa's Night on the Galactic Railroad is used extensively.

it's a show too far up its own ass, in my opinion, though it was still enjoyable

Totally agree. Fuck this overrated shit!

You disliked it for the wrong reasons, therefore filtered.

>dislike both
At least I'm consistent I guess

What makes it pseud? Name something non pseud then. It's just a buzzword people use when they don't know why they didn't like something that they perceived to be "deep"

Pointless references.

U Are Gross. Fabulous Max.

Attached: [Judas] Mawaru Penguindrum S1 - 24.mkv_000144784.png (1920x1080, 2.15M)

Who is the best character and why is it Ringo?

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Annoying retard.

>inb4 muh 1995 terrorist attack parallells "deep" bs
One of the show's themes is dealing with ancestors' sins. Sarin attack parallels are there just to make the 'sin' main characters' parents committed more real.

Very cute psycho

But that’s what makes her so great

Jebaited and filtered.
Ikuhara's main draw is his ability to completely steal your mind and attention with a fuckton of both actual AND bullshit symbolism in every scene. If you were invested enough to feel scammed, I believe you could call it a success, can't you?

>One of the show's themes is dealing with ancestors' sins
Back then when I first watched it, I remember thinking that was intellectual wank.
It feels different now that I understand the Bible and the concept of original sin. I'm ashamed I never noticed earlier Momoka = Jesus, with both showing people they could live a happier life, both dying for the sake the world, and both leaving an immortal spirit with the goal to save others.
With those parallels, is it safe to suppose the ending of the TV version was not the brothers turning ghosts but rather becoming eternal in the afterlife?

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You're legitimately too retarded to understand a straightforward story. Go back to isekaishit

It was still entertaining, His bear and kappa shows are where he went so deep up his own ass, he couldn't find an escape route.

>not catching the Murakami reference
>not realizing how the anime creation coincide with the '11 quake and how it comments on it
Here's the DBZ thread:

penguindrums not straightforward stop trying to act smart

Filtered lmao

It's pretty straightforward though, it just has a bunch of puerile references and symbolism.

Yes and large amounts of symbolism that you need to understand make a story not straightforward

The symbolism is there for you to come up with your own conclusions as the story goes along, but if you still don't understand by the end where characters are LITERALLY saying whats going on then you're a braindead retard. Simple.

The symbolism isn't essential to understand the story.

i dropped it when it went incest

One of my favorites and not for the "deep" reasons. Looks good, sounds good, good balance of funny/drama/serious, some simple themes carried out well, and well done, memorable characters.