Rokka no Yuusha

What happened to it? It was pretty cool

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Atrocious anime sales
LN in indefinite hiatus

rokka no sales

Poor anime sales made author depressed

Nips got filtered.

I'll be forever sad that this never went anywhere. I bet it would be much more successful if it released in the current landscape.

>I bet it would be much more successful if it released in the current landscape.
I doubt it. It has plot and requires having an attention span.

What didn't the nips like about it? That the MC wasn't a wimp but not overpowered either? That it was more of a mystery than an action series? That they had to think?

Eternal hiatus and one-season-and-done LNad treatment

Came to post this, now I have nothing to say.

apparently after the anime it starts with the same shit again where they have to find a new imposter
its like the author was afraid to end it or something while running out of ideas

Knowing how pathetic and petty the current generation is , probably they didn't like that the cute girl that was nice to the MC ended up being the traitor bitch.
I'd guess too that the LN readers got sick of the same gimmick repeated in the released volumes. Literally everyone but Goldov have been accused of being the traitor at some point and the sad thing is, all were right to some degree.

Pretty much, but it's surprisingly interesting. I couldn't believe in myself, but Rokka ended up being one of the most compelling mysteries I had read in recent years, even if by the end the twist becomes kinda obvious.

It came out 5 years befores among us. If it had released in 2020 it would have been a hit.

Author stopped producing anything. Probably dying of mental issues.

What are his issues exactly? The LN is so good. Are there any news?

>What are his issues exactly?
Mental issues bad enough to make his daily life miserable.

What did he say about it?

this anime was so good, i am happy that japan is obsessed with the "then there were none" plot so much

best girl won
worst girl was culprit
good writing
looks good and good op, also a fucking bait op
full 1 season for 1 volume
the ending was such a huge tease
still haven't read the LN because heard it was in hiatus

and as another user pointed out wish they realized it now we would have got more seasons

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>great character design
>cute eyepatch waifu
>hot momy character
>still doesn't sell

>It came out 5 years befores among us. If it had released in 2020 it would have been a hit.

Ohhh, that's a really good point

Lots of stuff about having awful nightmares all the time among things.

I remember sound design and cgi being atrocious.
Character designs were OK, I want to rape booba girl

It was shit.