One Piece

Will he join the Blackbeard Pirates and become Yamato's opponent?

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Why is he built like John Boyega?

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Carrot been a spy under Blackbeard Pirates from very start.

why did you make another thread, faggot

you seek attention that much?

No, Yamato will fight Devon in a weeb off.

no, that's Caribou

This user gets it. Its why Stronger hates Carrots with bombs in them.


>was at Sabaody in the first place to join the "Straw Hats"
>works for or is trying to gain favor with "you know who" - a person who apparently would appreciate knowledge about Shirahoshi
it's entirely possible that Caribou was recruited by Blackbeard at some point over the timeskip

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Don't open

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What the Fake Straw Hat Crew?

He didn't know they were fake. Caribou assumed he would be joining the real Straw Hat Pirates.

No. He's too weak do accomplish anything and his devil fruit is shit. At best Blackbeard will force him to revive Xebec or something. Yamato's opponent will be Pizarro(a former Calamity) and Sanji will fight the mystery captain who will turn out to have stolen Aokiji's DF.

>his devil fruit is shit
Moria’s DF is one of the most versatile in he whole manga. It’s not Moria’s fault that Oda’s pea brain can’t think of a creative way for him to use it beside “eat shadow, punch hard”

>Nika, God of Freedom
>For the user of this fruit to have freedom to control his body however he wishes, he has to awaken the fruit
>Moria can manipulate bodies however he wants from the start by manipulating the shadows

>Pizarro(a former Calamity)

>Moria’s fruit makes its victims “enemies of the sun” who perish under its light

Moria has one of the best fruits in the series. It's so good that he could beat most people in the verse if it wasn't for plot induced stupidity that makes him forget what half his powers are.

There was a King and Queen sized silhouette present when Oden's castle was burnt down 20 years ago, back when Jack was an 8 year old child and almost certainly not on the level of a yonko commander. Pizarro has the same kind of horns as Jack and is relatively close in height to King and Queen.

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