Anya Forger, may I have the honor of breastfeeding you?

Anya Forger, may I have the honor of breastfeeding you?

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boring whore

she's literally never had sex and how is being a career assassin "boring" in the slightest

You're insane.

>how is being a career assassin
when it's totally dropped in 12 episodes

because she experiences the warmth and love of motherhood

>she's literally never had sex
Jesus Christ, Agent Twilight, do your fucking job.

Agent Twilight will never get to Yor, every time he does, he fails. Her autism is too strong. He needs to be completely genuine to get to her. In other words, he needs to become [Redacted].

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Yor putting you in a headlock and punching your dick until you cum hard and die

So... if you defund the police is this siscon faggot homeless?
I desire to end him

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She has no milk.
She isn't a mother who creates life. She only ends it.

If Yor was my sister then every boner I got from the very first one onwards would be inside of her

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how do i get a yor wife

It's pretty deep on my backlog, but I'm curious if Yor is a better character in the manga. I found her incomprehensible and revolting in the anime.

She’s more or less the same. She does gets her own 12 chapter arc to reflect on how things have changed for her and that helps set up future arcs for her. She’s still adjusting to motherhood and facing her insecurities, especially with a new certain character likely to make an appearance next cour. The author has blatantly admitted he struggles to incorporate Yor, more specifically her job, into the plot. She’ll do it in the background but aside from her one arc, she gets sidelined for Anya and Loid, which is sad.

It's not natural to get a boner from a relative closer than a cousin thrice remov

My cousin (first) is a thicc tiddy monster who still gives me unwanted boners at almost 40
And if Yor was your sister it's not natural to not want to fuck her.

You... you don't breastfeed 6 year olds...

You can breastfeed anyone, including me.
Please breastfeed me Yor.
