Is it true?

Is it true?

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yes i want to marry them and make them el sexo so i can have children with them

glasses are a high tier fetish

I do, in fact, love glasses girls.

megane are an enhancement and never a detriment, that's for sure

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I hate them. Get contacts ao I can see more of your face


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Meganekkos are a miracle.

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We do knot always love glasses girls.


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Only when they take their glasses off.

Why is mars in there

Mmmmmm. it depends

I don't love glasses or cowtits.

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>Is it true?
Glasses are ugly as fuck. It automagically makes you an unfuckable, hand-holdless nerd. The only reason those inferior eye genetics get passed on is because every guy has wondered at least once in their lifetime what it would be like to cum on a girl wearing glasses.

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>girl wears contacts to try and be pretty
>decides to wear glasses to be more true to herself.
Name a better kind of character development.

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Glasses are second only to twintails in their ability to make every girl better. And second to none at making guys better.

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