>show is about how ethno states are bad
>only ever shows the ethno state being a beautiful place where everyone is happy, healthy and has a high quality of life

Attached: 86ep1-21.jpg (810x456, 60.3K)

>ethnostate is only able to prosper off the labor and sacrifice of an ethnic minority
>gets destroyed and conquered and nobody feels bad for them

>ethnostate is only able to prosper off the labor and sacrifice of an ethnic minority
That's not really true though, they've outsourced their military defense to the ethnic minority but other than that they're highly self sufficient.
As far as the show went, they didn't seem to use slave labour in construction, manufacturing, agriculture or any of the other fields that would make San Magnolia a nice place to live.

>show is about how ethno states are bad
Show is about Lena fixing and then and passionately raping Shin. It was written by a woman. Don't overthink it.

Attached: FVnBDCEUsAUNNAC.jpg (712x900, 124.75K)

Pretty sure 86 was about capitalists exploiting and enslaving the common worker and the workers' struggle against social inequality, not what you typed.

That sounds like projection of your personal beliefs.
I agree that (((capitalism))) is shit, but interpreting those themes into the show is a huge reach.
The ethnic themes were much more obviously present.

>>gets destroyed and conquered and nobody feels bad for them
Even in a multikulti globohomo society, nobody feels bad if someone gets conquered and destroyed. Some virtue signaling at best, and that's the extreme case where everyone is "racially motivated to care", so to speak. Obviously nobody is going to care if a region that is closed to them gets nuked. Doesn't even need to be an ethnostate. See how many people in real life care about the mass murder of white south africans or the daily routine of bantus.

This anime/LN is arguing for open borders for Japan and needs to be banned immediately.

I agree, but it had some cool fights and good music at least.

The only thing keeping the Legion out is the 86.

Afrikaaners deserved it desu

You're not contradicting anything I've said.

>the mass murder of white south africans
Fuck off with your crypto-Nazi bullshit

He cries out in pain as he strikes you.

it wad written by a woman
don't overthink it

Man. these capitalist are beyond helped, eh?

>This anime/LN is arguing for open borders for Japan and needs to be banned immediately
Why? Too political for you?

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Amazing how a military state laden with propaganda can just ignore and say everything is fine during a war when the war is happening somewhere else and they don't consider the people dying to actually be people. Or when the POV character from that ethnostate is from the upper echelons of the social ladder and wouldn't know how the average citizen lives like.

Aparthied will never truly be over until Der Beers mining goes bankrupt.

It's even funnier when you realize that the order that put the 86 out on the battlefield was "Order 6609" which is literally just "Executive Order 9066" but backwards. Which, by the way, was the order FDR gave to put Japanese-Americans in internment camps during WW2. It's pretty easy to do all sorts of nasty shit to "the enemy" or people you don't think are people.

The only reason why the Alba can even prosper and live in ignorance in the first place is because they push all the war onto the 86.