Compared to Komi-san, how well does 100 Kanojo deal with a large cast?

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It goes out of it's way to ensure none of the girls get truly gypped. Think Yamai and the chunni from Komi. They were major characters, and then put offscreen for like 100+ chapters once they moved to the second year.

100 girlfriends likes to have every girl in a good amount of chapters, even if it's just to spout their one joke for a panel or two. That's good and bad, because while the girls show up, they can be kind of background. Still, the family dynamics of the series make it so the cast actually feels tight knit, and when girls who have barely interacted before, do, you're interested in seeing where it goes. Komi's large cast made it feel like they were meandering around to avoid romantic development at times, while 100gfs has no such issue.

Komi needs more big titty girls and fanservice

Much better than komi, but it gets noticeable weaker for my taste, I think going for 100 was too ambitious of a goal.

Depends on what your expectations are from the series. If you're looking for actual romance, then the huge cast is in and of itself the problem. There can be no losers, and all girls need adequate screentime, so something has to give eventually. What broke is the actual fulfillment of deepening bonds and progression between anyone, as all romantic interactions become incredibly rote or obligatory especially since everyone starts at maximum love. Hit or miss comedy through the roof though since the mostly one-dimensional characters have a lot to bounce off of.
I can not compare it to Komi since I do not read garbage.

Despite the girls starting at max love, I still feel like the series does a better job at convincing us why they would love Rentarou. Even the easiest ones usually have a bit of development as to why they’re into him. I can agree the girls can be kind of one-note, but you kinda touched on it in your post, the way they bounce off each other usually ends up giving them more dimensions, even if it’s very slowly and over time. It’s something I like, even when the girls aren’t in the forefront, they slowly develop to be more than their gag (With a few exceptions as for now).

>the series does a better job at convincing us why they would love Rentarou
I can't see it. The format of the manga already has them at end-game love from the moment a ZING goes off, with a quick chapter (or 2) to justify it and showcase their unique gag. As the cast expands ever outwards, almost none of the newly introduced characters ever get anything more than that afterwards, instead the mangaka often chooses to focus on casually pairing them up with another harem member to eternally bounce gags off. That's not convincing of anything. That's not even romance at all. Their entire character, and certainly the romance, is delegated to quick one-off appearances to spout their one-liners and your supposed to just take it as an article of faith that they're all just so in love with Rentarou (and each other) because... reasons?
After the 10th member or so, any individual girls connection to the man can be summarized by their initial introductory chapter and perhaps a random throwaway Gary Stu moment to solve the problem of the week. Even then, that latter part applies to all of them equally so it's not really romantic

To add to something I've said, I still enjoy seeing new characters in 100gfs, the new potential interactions interest me, rather than bore me. I have little interest in the guy who faints around girls in Komi, who feels like he's just there to be a love interest for Manbagi.

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I don’t disagree with your opinion, or rather, I understand it and don’t blame you for it. I think some girls have a weaker justification than others. Yaku feels a bit arbitrary even now. I feel like a lot of the girls are just weirdos or outcasts, so they’ve never really had a connection. You can call Rentarou a Gary Stu, I think Parody Stu fits better, considering the nature of the series. A lot of what he’s done has helped repair a lot of the girls’ deep seated issues, or at least started to.

I can definitely agree Rentarou doesn’t get enough chances to be fully romantic, I’ve pretty much just accepted that’s how it’s gonna be. Girls do get something after their debut, it’s just gonna take a while. All these flaws are accurate, I guess for me though, any other manga trying to do the same thing this one is, would be so much worse at it. There are 6 person harems where 3 get neglected the whole time. It’s a feel-good manga, maybe I’m biased because traditional harem romcoms are just bad to me nowadays.

Very different series, no comparison point.

But 100kano > komi


Should have been 5 guys get 20 soulmates each andwe shuffle between them of follow one until he gets twenty and then move to another with other gfs appearing in the background or occasionally interacting with the current cast

Each of the 20 girls develops more as a character than Komi has in her entire run.

Komi's vagina has developed into a suitable home for horse cock, pig cock, dog cock, dolphin cock and homeless men cock

How long it takes until this gets an anime?

Maybe next year, maybe not.

Never, not every manga gets an anime

Still, there are less popular manga that have gotten one. It's successful enough for one, just a matter if the investment in one is worth it.

Hakari finally kisses Rentarou's Rentarou and there isn't even a dump of the raw chapter? Does nobody care anymore?

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It was dumped in the thread for the last English chapter. It just hit bump limit a few hours later.

Okay Uto.

In terms of comedic presence? Pretty gud, much better than Komi. Each girl has a defining gimmick and design that let's them stand out, so if you like someone chances are the author will allow her to shine for a panel or two. Now in terms of story or romantic presence? Not a chance, mostly because it's main premise prevents it from focusing on past characters much, maybe like 2-3 characters gets revisited (ironic the tagine implies that no heroines are left behind, but it's clear that characters like the Hakari, Karane, Nano, and Shizuka got more focus on them than the rest due to their popularity). I guess KmK did this better in this department due to significantly lower heroine count, but hey.