Thunderbolt Fantasy

What is your favourite episode?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the one where

when spk and shou talk in the restaurant at night

wtf when did they turn me into a puppet?

Duck trolls Mantis

i dislike the enigmatic gale

i liked the glasses guy in s2

Wooden sword reveal.
This was pretty good too.

The final episode of S1
post more memes/images/anything

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Not anime

That's right, it's a manga.

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For the puppet bros who watched the Pili Netflix show, are you interested in this? It's subbed in English, seems like a prequel movie about the MC or something. Also, it's one of those chink affairs where the narrator voices everyone.

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Every single episode with Wan Junpo

Are there no torrents for S1 anymore? I don't see one on Nyaa.

or this


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yeah just everything they finally reveal there after a strong leadup was amazing, Shou Fukan choosing to use a fucking stick over anything in the index he had that whole time will forever be awesome. and of course Mushou thinking he has the measure of Fukan's prowess when finding he can't get any openings in his pre-battle senses but still only had half the picture the whole time was a great part earlier

the pen-utilmate ep of season 3, where it's revealed that duck was tricking everyone since like 5 episodes

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and the subsequent threads where some anons had complete meltdowns. Everyone got duck'd that day.

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I feel like a retard, I was looking under Anime because that's where S3 was. Thanks.
