Yfw Buggy D Clown finds One Piece before Luffy becoming the Pirate King

>yfw Buggy D Clown finds One Piece before Luffy becoming the Pirate King

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Buggy isthe one piece.

>buggy showing up and kicking blackbeards or some admirals ass

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I don't mind him being a yonko at all, but if when he next shows up to be part of major arc his dumb jokes are just rehashes of his gimmick from Marineford then he's gonna get old fast.

I want to see the continuation of his fight against Mihawk, finishing the rivalry that Shanks was forced to get out off.

Most underrated character in all of One Piece

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If this happens I will defend this manga till this website shuts down.

Mihawk along with Whitebeard Jr and Hancock will be allied with Buggy.

>Buggy finds the One Piece
>”Well well, never would have expected to see you here”
>Shanks appears
>Shanks proclaims he plans to keep Rogers final words that sparked the era of pirates alive, he’s been killing everyone who gets close to One Piece
>A kino yonko level of Usopp vs Luffy follows
>Shanks kills Buggy

Ironically, his power is to turn into multiple pieces.

Unless you're BLACK, a FISH-MAN or possess a BIG CYBORG COCK, Robin isn't interested in you

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Also, she is a fictional character, so it really doesn't matter.

And reattach himself sogether, becomnig one piece. Him and Luffy ate their fruits indirectly because of Shanks.

>Tyler Ninja becomes a One Piece character and joins them in his battlebus ship
>”well chat, looks like we’re droppin’.”

This is the most likely conclusion, Luffy giving the One Piece to Buggy. It was foreshadowed long ago and the recent Yonko reveal just cemented it.

You guys know that for Luffy the title of Pirate King means being abel to travel anywhere and do whatever you want, right? It has nothing to do with finding the One Piece, he just wants to do it because it sounds fun.

it'd be pretty funny if Buggy claims the One Piece but Morgans declares Luffy the Pirate King anyway

Laugh Tale is just an old amusement park like Disney Land and Buggy looks exactly like the mascot "Joy Boy"

>It has nothing to do with finding the One Piece
It has everything to do with finding One Piece. "Pirate King" wasn't a real title it was bestowed upon Roger for doing the impossible by finding One Piece and conquering the Grand Line. You can't do anything less and expect to be called King

>the one piece was Big Whoop all along

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