Any Forums you are only allowed to pick only one girl

If you were in Reiji shoes, which girl would you pick to run away with ? You must give a good reason why you pick one of these three girls.

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>Any Forums
Fuck off and take your shit manga with you


Unironically Yuko.

>doesnt know about Any Forums
go away zoomer

upper case boards are adult version of blue boards.
They have a broad ip ban-rage though, so if you cant reach them that´s probably the reason why...

She's the best female ever

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Yoooo.... no way dawg. Is it phoneposters only?

I'd take the village bicycle that is yuko. Imagine all those years of sex behind her back, I wouldn't last a minute inside her experienced pussy

>Any Forums

I would cut contact with everyone that even has a remote connection to that town. Including the Idol

Stop liking evil women and girls

Nagi. The easiest to handle and the sexiest. She's also probably decently wealthy.
What a strange question.

Chunko if she stays fat.
Imagine groping a short fat girl

>Any Forums

Chunko easily

>reddit no abyss
fuck off

Taking middle one, didn't read, I'm an architect.

>Extremely hot
>A prostitute of showbiz
>Life with her might be depressing because you have to decide everything for her,
>Might have sex appeal because she craves, but she can't be cute even if she tries.
>The purest form of love you can have in the town
>It's a solid soulmate choice. she cares for you she rages for you.
>Just cute, no more sex appeal after you took her first unless you get turned on by masochism.
>Might result in a toxic relationship.
>She will decide everything for you.
Its hard, but leaning towards Chako for me.

Its Yuri Sensei for me bros, hope she gets Reiji back and lives a happy life with him

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you're so broken in the mind for MiA that you spam this shit in non MiA threads. holy rent free

>muh reddit
Rent free

Chubby girls with glasses are always the best choice.

The fat girl in the middle. Cute chubby girls are keepers and are pretty easygoing/will do a lot to please you. Good qualities for a fat breeding sow.