Daily Drifters

Act 11: Samurai Heart
(Act 10)

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark 11:12-25&version=NIV

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>tfw dragons would be useless post industrial revolution

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Wasn't sure if you'll be here today, OP
>old farts appreciating all the modern technology
And then the later chapters are all about abusing it
>Shinsengumi wank didn't stop even in modern times
I actally forgot the name of Naoshi's unit until now

Soulless jackass crushing fruit instead of eating

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Back to the Samurais

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Based Nobu

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I mean, it's a fig!
And do you know who hated fig tree the most?
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark 11:12-25&version=NIV

Holy fuck

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End of Act 11 and Vol. 1
Introducing boobs
Any initial impressions since we're done with the first volume?

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So in this version instead of drifters and ends its drifters and offscouring?

I'll never get tired of historical characters falling in love with modern technology.