
>had pantyshots in the manga
>all were censored or skipped in the anime
>anime is flopping, manga didn't see any manga boost

>Assassins Pride
>had pantyshots in the LN and manga
>cut out all of the from the anime
>anime ended up being a critical and commercial failure

>Sono Bisque Doll
>both had pantyshots in their source material
>both had said pantyshots kept in the anime and faithfully adapted
>both ended up being among the most popular and successful shows of their seasons

So this is the power of the presence or lack of panties. Keeping them helps an anime while cutting them out jinxes them.

Attached: no pantsu for you.jpg (1440x810, 304.78K)

Pretty sure ass prides failure had more to do with the chapters all being adapted so out of order

Little bit of column A little bit of column B.

Don't forget the totally incorrect doomsaying about Summertime Rendering

Western influence on anime has been nothing short of a disaster.

STR airs on Disney+ and it has pantyshots. High-Rise Invasion was a Netflix anime and it had a lot of pantyshots.

Do you know what helps anime even more?

The shounen lead, and the feMC; having sex with each other. NO "and then I woke up" fantasies, NO "loser masturbating" reveal. Just hetero sex for the sake of proving to the world that hereto sex is possible.

The Japanese are going to go extinct if they keep pussifying men with their "art imitates life and vice versa" bullshit.

Yeah I was super surprised when I saw high rise invasion, how the hell did that get past their censors just in general

Cuckoo was not on Billbill... what went wrong? Kishida banned bikini and pantyshot from anime? No anime this season have bikini, pantyshot and naked bath scene.

It was both, it might have been serviceable if they kept to the plot since there's a lot going on there and it would have got a following if they just kept the fanservice even while the plot goes off the rails but with both going wrong it was doomed for failure. At the minimum though I can't see the series failing if this part ever got adapted.

Attached: hayai.png (894x1300, 521.92K)

We need a Shingeki no Eroko-san adaptation

Attached: 020.jpg (1280x1807, 597.6K)

RPG real estate had all of that, including a lengthy pantyshot of a girl they continued to mention multiple times before and after was only 13

cosplaygal censored best girl Juju

Juju had pantyshots in the anime

I'm such a retard. I was taking dozens of measurements in my physics labs when I only needed 3

Western influence in anime means the end of fan service and the beginning of "HOW COULD YOU LIKE A 19 YEAR OLD CHILD YOU SICK FUCK"

user, pic related was just this season. And it wasn't even the lewdest scene in that show.

Attached: 1654072917600.jpg (1484x1438, 332.26K)

I feel you're confusing 2 different issues
western publisher influence means more censorship and neutered stories
western audience influence just means more incest

>western publisher influence means more censorship and neutered stories
Explain then.

You do know Netflix shows have sex scenes and show tits and ass right?

They didn't listen to the western publishers

that's the thing, in the end crunchy can't afford to be that picky, production commities are free to ignore them and still get them shown overseas

NTA but the fact that a Netflix anime had that much fanservice should have shut up the doomposters who keep claiming that Netflix and other Western companies would kill anime fanservice. Yet the doomposters refuse to go away or shut up even when they get BTFO.

I'm pretty sure there was an anime (can't remember which one) where CR or Funi was in the committee and it still had fanservice.

Holy shit are you so retarded that you think one example of a tame panty shot means that the west has had zero detrimental influence over japanese culture? Are you really that dense?