Best seinen manga ever

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I don't remember this panel

Maybe you should reread it then

Why they ruined eto, she should've been the main villain and get a proper redemption. She literally put her papa in a tube and he never was seen again.

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Could've been, but it ended up as utter garbage instead.

It’s probably my favorite but I was pretty disappointed in it in some respects if I’m being honest.

I'm happy that Fruit raped her and was just a irl shitposter but the manga hardcore declined as it went on.

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This brings me back so many memories


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Is his new manga /party/ or it hasn't gotten that far yet?

dunno man
have you got the fujo roastie meltdown

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Tokyo Ghoul was a hard shounen.

Had the potential to be my favorite manga of all time. But Ishida started working on Jack Jeanne concurrently with :re during the onset of the Cochlea arc circa March 2016 - dooming every forthcoming page of :re to become shitstained toilet paper.

Why do you want the same narrative path of about 99.9% of all fiction? Shit happens irl user, why can't shit happen for the characters too?

Ah my sweet eto so much potential

tokyo ghoul ending hard seinen
the entire re shitstain

Fiction isn't reality, authors have total control over everything that happens in the worlds they create, so it's expected that there will be a reason for all the events that take please inside those worlds. Dropping plotlines because "shit happens" is lazy.

They work with editors and publishers so they don’t have total control. It’s not like a novel where you write it and the publisher just says yes or no.

an inferior Parasyte and always will be.

Why post a moment when the cracks in Ishida's story writing started to shine through?
I recall the anime adaptation surprisingly made that pic related moment make more logical sense by having Eto Yoshimura, an SSS-rated ghoul, announce she is a ghoul to the world under her novelist name, Sen Takatsuki, BEFORE being taken into custody by the CCG instead of being "allowed" to do it after being taken into custody for no fuckin good reason.

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Yeah. A lot of stuff in TG and TG:Re didn’t make much sense.

to it seemed like the author didnt know what to do with eto. The manager was her father, being the leader of aogiri and "Raising kaneki" to be the king, being the author of best selling books, it all felt disconnected

is this dog nigga?

just had one of the coolest title drops from recent memory, it also shits on TG

Well, it better had not been Ishida's plan for Rize to be freed only to end up back where she started, offscreen no less, or injured Eto meeting Kaneki in Cochlea only to end up being left behind to be fucked with by V and the Clowns to then regen her entire head to then dying, offscreen no less. That was the worst of the worst of his writing.

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Parasyte had a shittier ending