Can your shonen protag travel at lightspeed?

Can your shonen protag travel at lightspeed?

Attached: SEIYA_DE_PÉGASO.png (329x279, 226.84K)

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Where was it shown? As far as I'm aware they were running through the stairs at the pace of a normal human.

Sanctuary has rules preventing FTL travel outside of the temples.

>zero absolute
>attacks, movements to the speed of light
>travelling to another dimension
None of those were actually true or were very exagerated

Probably not.
I mean, it's gonna be a one-way trip due to the air friction alone.

literally written over there.
checkmate, atheists

Attached: ftl seiya.png (716x632, 549.44K)

>a huelander is literally trying to fix the shitty Hades OVAs
What's with SS and latin america?

To be fair you need a high level of testosterone to enjoy Saint Seiya

Please tell me someone completed this Rocky & Morty pasta

Seiya is too based for modern audiences
>never cried once
>never run from a fight, even when gets his ass kicked
>fought to protect woman, not the other way around

>never cried once
I get your point but manly tears are crying

Support SS Sho.

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>never cried once
Ne never broke down like bitch like Deku or similar modern characters, but he did cry a few times.
Off the top my head
>When Cassius sacrifices himself to save him
>When they find´s Aioros´ testament
>When Soari kills herself to enter the Hades
>When the Gold Saints sacrificed themselves to break that wall in inferno.

What do you mean by fix? I thought only the Elysion part was lacking on aniamtion, but the rest were fine and enjoyable.


Apparently even the gold saint fangirls dropped it at the end, considering nobody know how the manga ends

He can bail out at lightspeed

Attached: World-Trigger-Twitter-Osamu-Mikumo.jpg (350x350, 69.56K)

Light speed can only go in straight lines. The current state of American """education"""

Those are manly tears and to be fair, Seiya had a hard life. The point is he's an old school Showa guy and endure. That's pretty much the moral Kurumada wanted to teach children

no, but he does exist on a plain of existance that is above ours, so he does not need to travel at all which makes him faster than light

This manga breaks powerlevel fags, the claims and the feats match at Kurumada's convenience.ódio-01/
I saw this thread where some progress was posted and apparently a finished episode recently. He did things like adding effects to Charon's attacks and an actual ending instead of just credits on black screen. The OP was also changed to Dead or Dead.

>Can your shonen protag travel at lightspeed?

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I grew up with the show, but yeah, you do have to admit neither the manga nor the show do a very good job conveying the scale of what these dudes are supposedly capable of. You're told they can travel faster than light and even send out energy waves with the power of the motherfucking big bang, but in practice it just looks like normal fast movement and beamspam.

I'm not saying they're lying or exaggerating, by the way - if they say they can do these things and there's no reason given within the story to doubt their claims, you should just take it at face value.

I suppose you just gotta take it in stride, given it's a literal kids' series, and the author is just inserting shit that sounds cool.