If he's as fast as the speed of light, why the fuck doesn't he just find one piece? Or defeat the yonko...

if he's as fast as the speed of light, why the fuck doesn't he just find one piece? Or defeat the yonko? No one could react to him

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because his brain cells operate at negative the speed of light, so it balances things out

the obvious answer is that he is not that fast.

He's the shadow Fleet Admiral

Because Haki.
The answer is always Haki

He believed in uclear justice why the fuck do you even ask this?

It’s made extremely clear that he is the middle between the extremist retards he is not making any move until it is the right time

Doesnt give enough of a shit which translates into his haki probably not being best of the best.

Light is much slower in the One Piece universe.

His fruit obviously has some hard limits that have yet to be explained otherwise he's by such an unimaginably gigantic margin the most powerful character.

This is one of those explanations that get more retarded the more you think about it.

because he doesn't give a rat's ass

> The One Piece

Why would the government confide in him their greatest secret?

Light in a vacuum + maybe characters are faster than we thought

Why is it an issue if Kizaru can move at the speed of light? He doesn't know where Laugh Tale is and other characters can fight at that speed too

Because glowies literally don't care what the government they work for is doing. They just take orders like the dogs they are.

No one is moving at light speed in One Piece. You probably can’t fathom how fast that is if you think there would be no issue

Is haki a particle or a wave?

Because it’s shounen science too, speed of light is barely faster than the speed of sound, people can move faster than light, how have you not realized this yet?

Haki is a color, so its a wave.

Yeah it doesn't make sense physics wise but so what, One Piece breaks logic many other times

They can dodge lasers you fucking retard

Hardnerfed, otherwise the series wouldn't work at all

it is a superposition of wave and particle.
when observed haki can be shot like a bullet
but when unobserved it spreads like a wave.
this is why they can direct their haki to focus it.
also oden was the worlds best haki man and taught gol d roger everything about haki and swordsmanship because he is so cool and manly.
this is my OC pls no steal oda.