Kengan Omega

>The hallmarks of Superman Syndrome
A present, the neurodevelopmental phenotype of XYY is associated with a lower-than-average intelligence quotient (IQ), impediments in speech and language, learning difficulties, poor performance in school, difficulties with social interaction, and poor attention span.
>The deficit in IQ is quantifiably lowered by 10 points on average, according to studies examining cognitive ability in XYY males. This deficit primarily affects the verbal processing centers in the brain and translates to language delays, and associated language development handicap in birth cohorts (in which XYY is diagnosed at birth) as well as clinical cohorts (diagnosis later in life).
>With regard to difficulties in academic performance, XYY individuals find difficulty reading and show poor adaptive functioning. Adaptive functioning describes a person’s ability to function interpersonally in social situations. The challenge faced by XYY is surprising, as social function is not associated with lowered IQ.
>However, consistent with reduced IQ and social functioning, XYY show statistically greater than average rates of intellectual disability relative to the general population. Most notable impairments in adaptive functioning include neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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Would love for Koga to destroy this loser

Checks out.

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Realistically, who would Waka need to defeat to gain his pride back?

didn't read you massive OP faggot

He was also blessed with an IQ of 200 but it evens out because of what you said.


realistically, no one
he became the olivia of the kengan, but him learning the niko style or becoming the ultimate niko style hunter would be pretty funny

When I said "realistically" I meant to ask which character could he beat, my bad.

This He's basically permanently established as a gatekeeper at this point. Strong, but zero greater plot relevance or an obvious powerup in the books.

Gatekeeper for what ?

NTA but you know how Jack is seen by the readers as the link in the chain of power between Yujiro, Motobe, Baki, Musashi, Pickle and Kaku and the rest of the fighters? Waka is like that but for characters like Ohma, Agito, Raian, Sen, etc.

What's called superman syndrome in the Kenganverse is actually muscle hypertrophy. Waka doesn't have an extra Y chromosome.

Jack could take Kaku, you can't shaori out of a bite

Can't wait to see how they'll disappoint me today. Only 7 hours more to go!

Hassad soon.

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Rihito will redeem hims-

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Jack would need to lean all the way down and catch Kaku first to land that bite, and that puts him in an awkward position as well as within eyepoke range.

People getting hyped up over cool designs reminds me of how everyone was sure Eddie would break the 1-note jobber antagonist trend

Every mask wearing character introduced so far has lost horribly.

Tbh Jack came out as really technical and tactical in Sukune fight, hard to tell how high Itagaki will let him fly.

I know we're all supposed to politely pretend sumo, like aikido, is a valid martial art in literally every japanese fighting series but I'd just like to point out for all his speed Sukune is a big, fat man. And Kaku is a much smaller, quick on his feet target.

Well Sukune was portrayed as especially fast, and really all (((realism))) aside lets go with in-manga rules.