Revenge BAD. If you kill him you will be just like him!

Revenge BAD. If you kill him you will be just like him!

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Shounentards really are subhuman filth if they cannot even understand the point of scenes in cartoons for Japanese 8 year old boys.

>Brotherhood is made for 8 year olds

I don't care. That fucker's gotta pay.

No, retard. Her hands weren't made to take a life, they literally fucking spell it out. Ed hates guns and is willing to use one to keep his promise not to die on her, highlighting how he's actually a fighter who's seen shit she belongs nowhere near, just like THIS, something I would've loved if he used longer.

Rape BAD. if you rape her you will be just like her.
the only case i can remember against this is rance and that's a videogame.

Every humans hands were made to take life
Should've axed that red eyed nigger all over the floor

if you want revenge, dig two graves

and realize how stupid that is as you make enough corpses to fill a graveyard

All shonen is preschool-tier shit. Watch Tokyo Godfathers.

An eye for an eye. A life for a life. Do not mistake for revenge what is clearly an act of justice.

No shit it's preschool tier writing, the point is it's clearly not made for that audience with it's violence and themes.

He was based. Her zog parents deserved to die.

this was better handled in the 2003 anime with roy instead

That's called being in the uncanny valley. Even our own cartoons which are made for younger audiences often have more mature themes and ask philosophical questions that shonen is incapable of asking. Shonen is the entertainment equivalent of a cursed image.

>agrees shounen is generally shit
>Still argues with OP
So you're just an aggressive retard.

>No winry. I know you are just a regular girl and neither a soldier or someone that could live her life again after killing someone else, since probably the guilty of such a painful choice will haunt you forever, but please you totally have to shoot this nigga and don't let someone else like the government or the alchemists to take care of him instead.
You guys are all edgefags.

Just the idea of people unironically liking shonen despite how much I've made fun of people for liking Naruto makes my blood boil. It's like they never learn.

Women's hands literally aren't for killing, you dipshit. Men are the expendable hunters, breeders and defenders since ancient times.

Scar was right and many alchemists were in fact sinners he conveniently killed for readers who hated their guts, his first impression being fucking Kimblee killing his brother and leaving him near death until brought back from the brink and attacking in a frenzied rage after seeing his arm fucking stuck to him. Nothing is nigger in context and that shit all hit him at once.

Fun things are fun.

Most of WSJ shit isn't fun.

A word murderers use to soothe their own egos.

incinerators are better

>Women are capable of killing
>Therefore made for killing
There you go.
>Scar was right
Who gives a shit?


Do you have an argument against that, or are you only capable of womanly snark?

>Women's hands literally aren't for killing
That's why historically they have used poison and now guns. To kill men and get away with it.

Revenge is fine. The important thing is you don't let it consume you, keep in mind you'll have a future beyond it.
Simply giving into your hate and throwing your future away for your target is the same as letting them win, letting them consume you.
Throw your target away like trash.

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Revenge is bad, it serves zero purpose other than to satisfy one's own seething, except half the time it doesn't even do that and just leaves them as the saddest sadsack on the planet that has nothing going on in their lives anymore because the dude that fucked it up ruined half of it and they ruined the other half by chasing after the retard.
People aren't that important, it's never worth it to obsess over someone, especially not someone you hate. Just leave justice for people who don't give a shit about it and are doing it to earn their paycheck and it'll be better for literally everyone.
Spend the time fixing up your life instead and forget, it's always better than revenge.

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I don't read ancient sandnigger legal codes personality

>result was Gun X Sword
Now you've piqued my interest.

But what about the humor?

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