The meme dub is the greatest dub of all time

The meme dub is the greatest dub of all time

Attached: Ghost-stories.jpg (360x450, 72.31K)

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the fuck is with all the ghost stories shilling this past week? they get ported to bd's or something

Nobody's talking to you, just post the thread, thread poster.

Youtube recommendations I think, I checked it out from another thread
what thread?

Yet it's still not very good.

The only anime with a good English dub (because it really echoes with the manga, you can feel that the dub director most likely read it) and because the VAs actually made an effort on the whole otaku experience in the dialogue.

ironic weeb tier

its not and the faggot who made this dub is a failed director who doesn't even like anime and made this out of spit

contrarians cease
I liked it
suck my greasy nuts


Nigger I expected Baccano the fuck is this shit

samurai pizza cats did it better

It’s cringe and has lots of lefty memes and lefty humor in it. Go away

user this came out 11 years before you became a le based peperino trump voter

I legit want a Ghost Stories sequel since i used to watch during my elementary days, it would be way less harmful than a Trigun or Shaman King remake

user most of the cast has disavowed it for being too offensive now that leftism = pussy shit

i would ask for proof but i don't want this to become another twitter screencap thread

>lefty humor
Where? They make racist jokes all the time and say fag

>it’s offensive so it’s not lefty
Leftists were allowed to be edgy before Occupy. The capitalists utterly destroyed them with identity politics. This shit is cringe and Reddit

user this came out a full year before reddit and at least 7 years before occupy
abilify 10 mg, ask your doctor about it

Get thicker skin, snowflake

>people that fit in on Reddit didn’t exist until Reddit
What a dumbass

i too would believe you a lefty fag seeing how you have such a huge hard-on for recontextualization

It's funny but I wish people didn't spread around rumors that the original show is somehow bad or failed or whatever just because it's not a meme show like the dub