Attached: d7ea086374ee60e24e21ece45b6a9a47.jpg (736x729, 102.09K)

It's a drawing. Drawn in an unrealistic art style.

What's next, anime eyes too big?

>realistic proportions
>girl anime

in her tits

Uh? But her waist for better in the left.

>nose shrinks
>midriff grows
What did Toei mean by this?

Are they the same character?

RIGHT, right, i meant fucking right.

>One Piece girls

Her chest.

inb4 based

I am so not used to her tan look anymore

women don't have organs
they're not humans, they're demons

based on what?

soul vs soulless

She doesn't need them!

She used her devil fruit powers to remove them from ger body, they're in a safe in Chopper room
This non only give her a semen demon body but also make sure she survive in case of stabbing or other wounds

Where did her latina skin go?

yes, I know it's toei's fault

I liked brown Robin but both is low effort Toei garbage, just look at Robins body, what the fuck,
That is bad even for those cheapskates and no Odas drawings look better even if they have the same proportions.

You'd think Oda would atleast bothered to make them retcon it as fast as possible and not wait like a decade.