Buggy has had a grand total of two (2) appearances in post-timeskip One Piece before now

Buggy has had a grand total of two (2) appearances in post-timeskip One Piece before now.

1) He receives news that the Giants quit his mercenary company, leaving him impotently raging because they were his best earners by a massive margin and with them ditching him in favor of Luffy he knows he is going to see an immediate and catastrophic downturn in reputation and force-projecting capability.

2) A Marine Vice Admiral comes gunning for his ass as soon as the Warlords got stripped of their immunity, and he starts planning to run and leave his remaining mooks to die before the battle starts.

How is he still alive, let alone still has enough clout and manpower to get his threat level bumped up to Emp-level?

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Eat your slop and enjoy it.

No I’m genuinely curious/fishing for theoryposting. I have nothing against Buggy at all.

I assume the warlords have made some minor alliance and he's taken ownership as the leader to the press + he owns part of the underworld trading aswell as his reputation as Rogers crew

+shanks warn the old men of a certain pirate he could of named Buggy to derail there attempt to target luffy

Buggy arc soon explaining everything is the only logical conclusion

Buggy is great on paper, no one really knows him IRL. He's the pirate Shanks warned the Gorosei about.

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Buggy D. Clown

I mean how does Blackbeard do anything off-screen, it's the same shit. It could be anything Oda decides it is later when he brings them back on-screen.

But see this would unironically be the hypest shit OP could ever possibly do, so no way in hell is Oda gonna think to do it.

Well, as evidenced by the new giant pirates being part of his shichibukai mercenary business, he clearly grew his following after the war and becoming a shichibukai. He is doing good business and has a lot of man power, he complained about the giants leaving his crew because he thought they were the strongest, but that may not be the case, and even if it were, they are not the only strong ones just because they were the strongest.

My guess is he somehow ended up meeting up with the other Warlords as the WG was going after them all and forming some form of alliance, and ending up being made the leader of it.

The days of One Piece being hype are long gone and you boomers need to accept that hype Piece was a mistake. Marineford was all fun when it seemed like it would have some payoff or taste of the future but it turned out to be the most irrelevant and series-ruining arc of them all.

Absolutely useless ability if your enemy has a superior haki.

>the Giants quit his mercenary company, leaving him impotently raging because they were his best earners by a massive margin
That alone tells you on what a huge jobber level Buggy's operation is at

Law begs to differ.

Law's power is so good because he can do ten million other things besides just dicing people up. But he still can't use his power on people with better haki

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Watch him recruit all of Doffy's leftovers, all of Big Mom's leftovers, all of Kaido's leftovers. Buggy wins just by staying out of Luffy's way.

Figurehead for the actual power-players that now have to start working from the shadow’s again is probably the most sensible explanation, but I still feel that a Cover Story could have been used to set that up before dropping the outcome on us (or hell, make the underground alliance of the ex-Warlords the subject of that cutaway chapter instead of just showing Gecko Moria being bullied by Blackbeard for no clearly stated reason.

Miracles happened during that time that made his crew more fanatic, they started preaching as a god emperor of pirates.

Honk honk!