Shinooka's clean and virginal not abyss

Just watch, Cuckzuya!!
Akira could move forward!! You shall do the same.

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How would everyone react if Ryo revealed there are supernatural powers at play in The Town that make it such an awful place?

anyone got the thread where spoilers first dropped? thanks


thanks senseibro

If Boys Abyss turned into a Lovecraftian origin story for Nyarlathotep, I wouldn’t even be mad.

>Yuko going to Tokyo
Yep, she and Esemori will have their final meeting. I really hope they die together or get some closure. But knowing Ryo, the exact opposite will happen

I think at the end of the flashback they part on a not so terrible term. I mean, Esemori would like to never see Yuko again but they don't part swearing bloody revenge on each other, I think it will be more of a 'You know, this place (You) isn't worth it, I'm leaving and never coming back, I'll forget everything (You)' and Yuko will go 'If that's what you want, goodbye.'

>Chako and Reiji are totally siblings shitposting
Chako would be nearly in her 30s for that to be the case, why the fuck do people fail basic comprehension

Ryo's first manga got scanlated:

It's interesting how several elements of Abyss are present in her earlier works

Like the mother character being an evil cunt?

similar themes are in pretty much all of her stuff, Abyss really seems to be taking as far as they can go though, even Himegoto basically gave every character a happy ending, or at least a mostly positive one

Or maybe they attempt lovers abyss in tokyo.
A dying failure of a man and a crippled rotten goods woman, both reach the buried innocent side of the other and decide to finish what they failed to do.
Reiji then realizes both Gen and Sakuko are beyond salvation, and could be said the same for him, but somebody doesn't think that.


Break next week, that mean we don’t get to see Esemori donkey fucking Shino Oka until July 7

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Ryo got a date!

>going from the most beautiful girl in town to some ugly fat fuck

Would explain alot desu

Goes to therapy

I see you, stealth sensei-faggot.

Reiji go with Nagi and Gen and Chako get married.
Fast forward later their kids meet together again in that town.

Except the whore in rent-a-whore wants Cuckzuya to give up and move on.
Akira just run away from Yuko.