The best adaptation of western story is a Japanese anime

>the best adaptation of western story is a Japanese anime

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There are many such cases because western media in inherently soulless.

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westoids can't do anything right, what else is new

forgot to post the epic "henshin" OP

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Stupid zoomzoom takes.

those fight transitions have more budget than the entire berserk anime franchise


they aren't wrong
Next time they make a Zorro show or movie, he will be black, gay and into a transgendered Lolita with the Evil army being all straight whites

Akage no Anne

No, this was utter garbage

Because modern West is cucking itself with woke shit. And it's irredeemable, I agree.
Not ALL western produced stories, from literature to movies, are bad though.

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My sister loves this book, maybe I should have her watch this and see what she thinks
also what the fuck this was in sunday?

Oh wait i'm retarded there is no anime for it
says it's getting english releases though, when it comes out I will get them for her

Zorro was already mexican, it takes place in mexican era california

Does Zorro count as western? It's not about the frontier and cowboys & Indians.


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It's in the outlaw subgenre.

It's picaresque which is similar

>posting movies on Any Forums - anime and manga
I hate Any Forums so much it's unreal

He is a spaniard.

The subject of the thread is western media you mouthbreather

The Agatha Christie anime are nowhere near as good as the live action