I'm done

The current state of anime is absolute crap, I'm tired of the same uncompelling shonen isekaiesque plot with oversexualized big tiddie girls baiting losers. (Don't get me wrong, I fucking love those bitches but not in a supposedly interesting plot)

I give up with any seasonal anime ever, now please, give me the oldies, give me the best of the best. Sorry for the bad examples but I need something like hellsing, ushio to tora, or vampire hunter D. Interesting history with a fucking awesome white long haired character or whatever, you know what I mean.

I'm begging all of you for help, appreciate it

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Do bots make these posts?

Have you tried Boku no Pico? I think it's exactly what you're looking for.

OP here,

tl;dr: Recommend me the best old badass anime you can think of

nope, is a genuine question, I want recommendations

i haven't watched anime since 2014. the medium as a whole is just uninteresting and cringy now.

i know this is bait but why does everyone complain about isekai? is it because its popular right now and takes a couple of seasonal slots?
its not even like isekai fags venture out of their containment threads.

Didn't read, shit thread. OP is homosexual.

Kill yourself, faggot. No one gives a shit that you are upset at the anime industry, if you want recs, there's a fucking board for it. Use it or fuck off.

S-cry-ed. I'm serious. It's everything you hate in shounen, but done right.

as much as i love oldfag shit, you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
made in abyss, ranking of kings, oddtaxi. missing these series because you don't bother to sift through current seasons is about as lazy as making a low effo/r/t bait thread

See you next month

Relax OP, in 10 days Dark Schneider will save anime

>because its popular right
there are some legit problems but it's not any worse than the haremshit and cgdct trash that's been clogging up the system for years before. I don't feel like trying to figure out which isekai is good so I don't watch it, but I'm also not sitting here making vocal hate threads like op feels the need to do.

You could try Houseki no Kuni, even though it's not an old anime

Most likely is the saturation, how creatively bankrupt the genre is, and that yes, it takes way too many seasonal slots, doesnt help that as anime, every isekai rarely go beyond the initial "new world, quickly become OP, instant slave harem and SoL stuff" so you are stuck with the same shit every time more tham ever.


If you know what you dislike it should be easy to just ignore the trash.

A board was made just for that.

Don't worry, Chainsaw Man soon will be here to save the industry

It's pretty bad isn't it