Who knows this trauma?

who knows this trauma?

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The true horror of this film is a girl being forced to marry a manlet, no wonder zoomzooms can’t handle it

kek i remember hearing about this some years ago and now it's some horror of zoomers on tiktok wait till they hear about the 100 gore hentais over there

I know it. I'd say the best horro anime. Not really scary though, no anime is, but very disturbing and sick. The most impressive thing of course is that one man animated the whole thing over the course of 5-6 years.

I remember some YouTube reviewer saying this was the worst anime of all time, which is fucking nonsense. It was an unfinished mess, but there was so much heart and soul put into it that's completely lacking in most anime today.

pretty cool might actually watch it fully then why do people even hate on disturbing stuff if you can't stand it don't watch i mostly see moralfags angry about it it's just harmless drawings after all

Well this is one of the few anime that are actually banned so this makes you curious and want to check it out. Then you see all the rape, torture, gory animal deaths and other sickening imagery and you start ranting. Happens all the time.


yeah it's just babies first x

yeah it's banned on japan i think most anime bans were censorship or copyright stuff that's one of the few that's banned for disturbing content

it ended up on the 'most disturbing movies ever' list

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I mean Shojo Tsubaki is basically the introductory eroguro work. I blame iceberg memes, Ito normies, and anitubers for making it a household name though.

Shojou Tsubaki had a powerful message about ugly people having ugly souls, but it's still a dogshit movie because the narrative was not fleshed out.

I heard it got a live action adaptation. I'm very curious as to how well it translates with real actors and actresses; it's probably extremely corny.

You're a retard that's there's no such message at all.
Hiroshi Harada is a lefty who sympathizes with poor, ugly and handicapped people that through constant oppression are turned into these monstrous circus freaks, hidden from Japan's public image.

(And this film depicts a time of Japanese history that was especially rough for these people.)

Interesting film, it was based on reality, althoug, the ending was kind of rushed

It was just early cunny rape lol

I've see bits of it but never the whole thing. I dont think it's bad just too gross for me personally.
Now imagine normal fags seeing the Violence Jack evil city OVA. Just reading the MAL reviews alone is hilarious.

Interesting. Just started watching it

>the bottom tier is legit just illegal shit

Anyway yeah I’ve seen it. I don’t think it’s as disturbing as people make it out to be. The dog deaths were a bit unnecessary though

Mondo mixtapes aren't illegal dipnuts. But they aren't horror either

What is this

>dog deaths were a bit unnecessary though

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Mondo shit isn’t but apparently the uncut version of FUBAR has CP

Not even that just contributed nothing to the plot

One day you'll learn how to search by image. One day.

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>contributed nothing to the plot
It set the mood of the anime, and besides the big scene at the end, it was the most animated gore scene.