Why do 4koma adaptations fuck up comedic timing so often?

Why do 4koma adaptations fuck up comedic timing so often?

Attached: 4koma.png (240x240, 889)

That's how many I'll be in after reading all the boring garbage formatted like this.

ive seen some 4 koma that are just straight lines of 4. or is that not 4 koma and some idiot misplaced the tags.

lurk more and watch more anime and read more manga

4koma tends to be rapid fire comedy, setup-punchline every 4 (or 8) panels. To do it justice in anime form, you have to either pad it out by putting something between the strips or just make the anime rapid fire as well. Both of these are difficult, so they'll sometimes just stretch the strips out, which kills the timing.

My sources are my ass and wikipedia.

Your loss

Attached: 1624141064388.jpg (1368x1400, 225.5K)

In some instances they want to stretch a joke out because they need to fill time since 4koma chapters are usually fairly short. In other instances it's just the anime staff not doing a good job like any other adaptation.

Attached: SZS4Koma.jpg (1280x720, 693.36K)

>lurk more
we are in the thread about 4koma itself, this is literally where im supposed to find out. you are not tricking me into reading a 4koma manga.

No, you're supposed to watch 200+ shows and read at least 100+ manga before posting on Any Forums

b-but i did :(

Needing to have read 100+ manga would discount like 90% of Any Forums's userbase I imagine. It's sad.

Counterpoint: Anyone who has over 300 anime/manga properties, is not worth having whatever posts they might make on Any Forums be seen, because they're guaranteed to have shit taste.

>people who watch anime and read manga shouldn't be taken seriously when it comes to anime and manga discussion

really? it doesn't sound that hard especially since manga takes less time to read.
something like light novels and web novels would be a genuine rarity.

Too much of a good thing can easily become a bad thing. I'd say about 150-ish anime is the threshold leading from "well-experienced" to "serial consumer with no standards". 99.9% of anime are shit. Truly. Endless drivel of romcoms, isekaishit, shonenshit, and all the other xshits. Anyone who takes pride in willingly subjecting themselves to all of that crap should have their opinions immediately dismissed.

Retarded opinion from someone that thinks you're only allowed to like the stuff that's universally considered a masterpiece. For my own counterpoint, I've seen plenty of the "masterpiece" anime and manga and usually am let down by them. There is room for having your own taste and not just mindlessly following public opinion.

>take a short format
>put it into long form
not that hard

Funny, because all the shit I referred to ARE loved by "public opinion". Your Narutos, your Bisque Dolls, your Isekai Smartphone (or whatever it's called), all that fucking shit. It's what appeals to the lowest common denominator, which is what 99.9% of anime/manga are. You think I'll clap for you for "having your own opinion" and proudly embracing trash as an act of courage? Think again. You're allowed to like whatever you want, and I'm allowed to call out shit tastes. Hence, my earlier post.

that's the usual format yes
OP is the square format when vertical space is lacking

I don't care if you clap for me. But I am kind of sick of people who supposedly like anime and manga saying that there's so little good anime and manga that you might as well just drop it after a year or two. Reeks of someone who got into it recently and watched all the "masterpieces" and then wants to move onto something else, but for some reason sticks around on Any Forums just to tell everyone that anime and manga is shit.

I'm not interested in your little "No real Scotsman"-ism. Had enough of it, coming from all the kids here no less. You can like a medium while acknowledging that it's mostly filled with shit, which is every medium btw. Mindlessly liking everything you come across as some sort of perverted media-fetishism is precisely the sort of behaviour that should be rightfully shut down. No one who has pride in a lack of standards should be given quarter to voice whatever dumb crap would come out of their mouth. We have enough of it already.

>Mindlessly liking everything you come across
Saying there's more than 150 good anime+manga and this are two different things.
>no true scotsman
That's literally what you're doing when you're saying that someone who enjoys more than 150 anime/manga shouldn't be listened to. Obviously according to you the real fans are the tourists that come and follow Any Forums charts and then move onto something else.