Legend of Galactic Heroes

The fact that no one cares about the new adaptation means everyone watched it or its too hard for the masses or both.

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I couldn't stand the drawing straight from yaoi porn so didn't even bother downloading it

>no one cares
Not here in Any Forums. But it's still pretty popular. The design sucks but the rest it's ok

Federation > Prussianboos

I watched it and I care. But most of the crossboarder plebs shit on it to maintain their phony elitism, so yes, you won't get as many 'comfy' circlejerking threads for it as for the OVA.

Yes, and Federation needs to liberate as many cute Prussianboos from the fascist oppression, as possible, if you catch my drift.

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What, modern yaoi porn has budgets for this sort of animation quality? Care to recommend a few titles? As you seem to be an expert on this topic...

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Finally someone that still watches it. Is it fine compared to the old one? I honestly can' get into the old one no matter how hard I tried because of the really datedpresentation but I love the idea for the setting with space nobles roleplayers because I'm a Dunefag.

Fuck off.

Why? the old anime looks like crap

I like it

Your eyes are crap

nah I just dont have nostalgia for crap

That's not the anime's fault.

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It's not hard, it's just tedious to get through and not very good, as with the OVA.

I wouldn't call myself a Dunefag, even though I read all six of Herbert's books. And compared to the latter half of those, Tanaka's oeuvre certainly feels kinda square. But I'm a sucker for space opera, especially one with pretty boys, so here I am. Failed to get into the OVA too, I think it was after Sieg's death when I dropped it for the second time. Might make another try now that I've watched all of the DNT availible so far. Or perhaps try reading the books, I've finally pirated them.

The animation, direction, designs (especially location designs) are miles above the OVA. Honestly, everything in the OVA seemed so bland and uninspired to me - it's like they thought the story would be so engrossing they needn't make any effort, just 'draw generic Future City #9999', 'trace the generic XVIII century building #777 and call it a day', but even if the story and characters are good, this is just lazy work. The voice acting is good, I don't remember much about the OVA's voices, but recently I rewatched one episode from it for... reasons, and I thought I liked Reinhard's OVA voice somewhat more, but that still doesn't mean the DNT actor doesn't do a solid job. And I liked how condensed DNT is, less flashback and filler, easier to follow the story. Yes, I know that OVAfags would seethe and tell us there are no fillers, and that everything is important for worldbuilding and exposition, but yet again, there are clumsy ways to fo those things and better, more professional ones.

As for the character designs, I've already made this point in one of the previous threads. You can't actually expect people several centuries into the future to not look at least a little bit weird, having them look like typical contemporary salarymen is just unrealistic, especially when one of the factions emulates XVIII-XIX century nobility, for fuck's sake. But plebeians who don't know shit about fashion history are gonna get filtered, what else is new...

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we need more people to find out about DNT, despite all the seething chuds

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Okay this is why I can't stand the old one there's no colors

I was considering to read them but I like visual media more for my space opera for sure, it really helps with visualizing things in the novels too. Yes the OVA looks really unbearably bland and uninspired and is downright disheartening. And this isn't jsut another case of old = bad I liked my share of Macross and Gundam too, the OVA just look bad. Knowing that its condensed tasteful instead of the flashback spam of the OVAs is greatly encouraging. For fashion I don't mind if they look weird because its the future as you said. Thanks for the write up I'm gonna binge DNT now.

Did they really offscreen the death of Kircheis?

>But I'm a sucker for space opera, especially one with pretty boys

I don't know who you are user, but you have me as a friend for life

No, but they made it less impactful.

>No, but they made it less impactful.
How so?