Author keeps forcing shit character nobody likes

>author keeps forcing shit character nobody likes

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only powerlevelspics hate buggy

The joke stopped being funny 10 years ago
>b-b-but powerlevelfags...
Nice headcanon

>Edgelords getting BTFO twice in wano
Based GOda

Why? There is one single likeable character in wan piss?

Yes, my understanding is that there are a plurality of characters who change into dinosaurs at will, which is very cool and likable.

I thought people like Blackbeard.

Agree, fuck Oda for pushing Shanks so much instead of fan favorites like Buggy

So the giant granny is dead?
No wonder, how the fuck you can make a main antagonist from a fucking granny?
What the fuck was Oda thinking. Not even twatter would come up with a character like that.

It’s nigger time!

Yeah Shanks is kinda shit

Yeah I fucking hate Shanks

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The joke is that you're a nigger and I'm still laughin

Yeah I'm tired of straw hat guy too

Yamato? I know.

You mean Luffy?

Agreed, I don't even know one person who likes Teach. At least everyone likes the other 3.


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Why doesn't he just drop the manga then?

Buggy is unironically a much better Captain than Luffy. Luffy does zero planning or leading, he just fights the big bad guy.
Meanwhile Buggy uses his wits and leadership to actually build a fleet. No he can’t beat shanks in a fist fight but that’s not what being a captain is about.

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Yeah, Blackbeard is kind of lame.