Don't watch shonen, watch seinen it's much more realistic

>don't watch shonen, watch seinen it's much more realistic
>10 year old boy manipulates 50 people into killing each other, kills his adoptive parents, orders his sister to shoot him in the brain and manages to survive despite still being a child when suffering that fatal damage

Attached: younghanliebert.jpg (413x314, 26.36K)

Urasawa is a hack.

Why are you such a normalfag?

Realism? Is that what you think it's about? You're obviously too emotionally immature to comprehend any media other than Wan Piss, so please do continue watching shounenshit.

50 people in a fucked up place where they were heavily traumatized from birth are manipulated into mass murder? So fucking unrealistic. Meanwhile in real life, you've got 10 times that number for some rando calling himself god 2.
A kid murders his parents everyday at burgerland.
People survive bullshit wounds all the time.

>wakes up from coma just to sneak out of his room to steal medicine so he can poison every single candy in his room to get kill the hospital director because he knew he would eat the candy
so this is the power of mature anime for mature animers

Monster is a boring ass show people keep claim is super deep and well written, but runs on a very simplistic, unrealistic story and is FULL of "coincidences" and deus ex machinas.

That was admittedly retarded

Anything involving Johan is retarded. He pulls some "just according to keikaku" Aizen bullshit all the time.

It's mostly fine when it's just convincing random people to commit violence, or suicide. Or taking over the criminal underworld. Some parts are just too much though.

At least Aizen has magic powers.

He's still the best thing about the series though. Watching Johan fuck up the world and seeing how hard everyone else gets trolled is what kept me entertained.

Attached: johanliebert.jpg (450x450, 51.47K)

Grimmer is an infinitely better character


Urasawa is good at creating tension, but he relies on characters doing nigh-supernatural shit that you expect gets explained to lure you into the mystery, but only like 33% of it gets explained, and at the end you just have to accept that shit happened because Urasawa wanted it to happen.

Which is why Monster, 20th Century Boys and Billy Bat all go to complete shit as they go on, and retarded fans have to go about 'muh themes', 'muh characters', despite the fact nobody actually likes stories for their themes and Urasawa's characters while likeable were just getting puppeteered from one place to another by his hacky, contribed plot for 95% of the manga.

Not just that. He kills his parents, travels all alone across Germany, ends up in some city, finds an old couple without kids, persuades them to adopt him, the couple agrees instead of questioning him, taking him to a police station or going through a legal procedure to adopt him, the whole neighborhood knows that the couple has a child all of a sudden, Johan kills the parents, goes missing, cycle begins all over again. How the fuck is all that possible? What's the police doing?

>kills his parents
He had a gun. It's unlikely that he could get his hands on one at that age, but not near impossible.

>travels all alone across Germany
He's got 99 charisma, it's not impossible he'd manipulate someone into letting him stick around and work his way up from there.

The rest is weird though, I'll give you that. I feel like Johan is by design supernatural, but also partly to Urasawa not paying enough attention.

>ha this seinen series that's one of the handful that is popular on Any Forums is shit
>I'll just go back to my shonenshit now

me after i watch something that doesn’t explain bit to bit how events took place

>it's much more realistic
who the fuck says this

why do you guys hate everything?

>don't watch shonen, watch seinen it's much more realistic
who are you quoting